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Seya Ward Family Registry Division

Last update date July 1, 2024


190, Futatsubashicho, Seya-ku, Yokohama-shi
Seya Ward Office 2nd floor

Main Business and Contact Information

Family Registry Section

Main Business Contact information

family register Reception Desk
Notification of birth, death, marriage, divorce, etc.
partial copy of nullified family register abstract
ID card, etc.

Phone number: 045-367-5641・045-367-5642
Fax: 045-362-1488
Email address:
Contact: 23rd window on the 2nd floor

In charge of certificate issuance

Main Business Contact information
Certificate Issuance Desk
A copy of resident certificate, Seal Registration Certificate
Certificate of entry in resident certificate
family register, certificate of personal matters (certified copy, abstract)
Copy of family register's tags

Phone number: 045-367-5645
Fax: 045-362-1488
Email address:
Contact: 24th window on the 2nd floor

Registration Section

Main Business Contact information
Transfer of resident certificate
Seal Registration, My Number Card
Wide-area grant resident certificate
Digital Certificates
Elementary and junior high school enrollment and transfer
Special Permanent Resident Certificate, etc.

Phone number: 045-367-5645・045-367-5646
Fax: 045-362-1488
Email address:
Contact: 25th window on the 2nd floor

For inquiries to this page

Seya Ward General Affairs Department Family Registry Division

Phone: 045-367-5641

Phone: 045-367-5641

Fax: 045-362-1488

Email address:

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Page ID: 345-785-035

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