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Everyone I met in FY2020

Last Updated December 15, 2020

Monday, December 7, 2020 Sakae Green Cooperation Volunteer

What is the Sakae Green Cooperation Volunteer?

The Sakae Green Cooperation Volunteer is a paid volunteer organization formed mainly by members of the "Pruning Volunteer Course" held at Katsuradai Community Care Plaza. For people with physical disabilities or those who have difficulty removing weeds or pruning due to health reasons, we care and weeding in the community.

State of the day

On the day of the visit, under the guidance of Deputy Representative Masao Sakuma, Mayor Fujita also experienced pruning work. We also exchanged opinions with the Sakae Green Cooperation Volunteers, and Mr. Sakuma talked about the value of daily activities. .

Receive explanation Director General So much Director General cut a tree together

Thank you very much for your valuable opportunity in your busy schedule.

Group photo

Meeting to spread renewable energy on Saturday, August 29, 2020

What is the Society for Promoting Renewable Energy?

May every year ※In front of Hongodai Station, we are conducting educational activities to prevent global warming, "Let's Utilize Renewable Energy." This is the fourth time this year.
※Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year was postponed to August.

State of the day

Beginning with the collected waste cooking oil, the production and exhibition of veranda solar power generation kits, the production and cooking of eco-stoves, the production of solar cookers (cooked with solar heat) simple solar cookers, and the introduction of cooking examples, etc. Various technologies related to renewable energy were introduced.

Venue scenery Activities

Director General exchanged opinions with the participants while receiving explanations at each booth.

Receive explanation Director General Fan Solar cooker

Thank you very much for your valuable opportunity in your busy schedule.

Group photo

Tuesday, June 30, 2020 Yokohama Hongo Rotary Club

What is the Yokohama Hongo Rotary Club?

The Yokohama Hongo Rotary Club is one of the "Rotary Clubs" organized with a focus on serving through one's occupation. Sakae Ward is engaged in various activities such as donating wheelchairs to district centers, supporting children's cafeterias, and setting up security camera.

State of the day

With the sound of the bell, a regular meeting of the Rotary Club begins. At the regular meeting, Mayor Fujita explained Sakae Ward's efforts for disaster prevention and reduce disaster damage.

Director General  Director General  Chairman Egami

After the presentation by Director General, a question-and-answer session was held, and many questions were asked about the ward administration and Director General's thinking, and we were able to actively exchange opinions.

In addition, this time, after the regular meeting, we toured FANCL Smile Co., Ltd. in the FANCL Building, which was the venue, and a reference room introducing the history of FANCL. I was able to see everyone working lively with FANCL Smile and the path that FANCL has been walking so far.

Tour    Tour

Thank you very much for your valuable opportunity in your busy schedule.

Group photo

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