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Nishi Ward Digital Tourism Map

Last Updated April 3, 2023

Image of Maro-chan with a smartphone

Nishi Ward is a small town where "newness" and "good old" live.
If you would like to visit more and more people, feel free to visit such attractive spots in Nishi Ward…! With that in mind, we have created the Nishi Ward Digital Tourism Map that can be viewed from smartphones and PCs.
There is also an English version, so please use it.

Why don't you take a digital map together on a journey to meet a new Nishi Ward?♪


Date of publication       Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Number of spots listed in Japanese version: 359 locations ※As of March 31, 2023

Public URL

 Click the link below to go to the "Mapion Tourism Map" site.

Japanese version map 2D code image
Japanese version map

 [Japanese Version] (external site)

Map image

Map screen image
Top screen

"This is amazing" in the Nishi Ward Digital Tourism Map

It's the first time in Yokohama! Utilize "Mapion Tourism Map"

 Utilize the “Mapion Tourism Map” service provided by ONE COMPATH for local governments that allows local governments to publish local attractions on a map on the Internet free of charge. We have completed a digital map that is easy to see, understand, and easy to use while keeping costs down.

2 Famous places, of course, full of sights

 All of these spots have been introduced in the Kotoripp Yokohama Nishi Ward Sampo, Nishi Ward Cycle Map, and Nikumachi Walking Map published in Nishi Ward.
 For example…

 ※1 Location of ports where Yokohama Community Cycle baybike can be rented and returned
 ※2 The same place as "The New Knowing! Nikuteku Sketch" published in the column of the public relations Yokohama Nishi Ward.
 ※3 From November 1997 to April 2004, the same location as the Nishi Ward Sozoro Walk published in the Yokohama Nishi Ward edition.
 ※4 Walking route where you can rediscover the charm of the historic Nishi Ward. The guide sign standing on the route introduces the state of the old town with photos.

3 Spot search is also easy.

 There are two types of spot search: "from map" and "from list by genre". Whether you have decided where you want to go or not, icons by genre will help you find spots.

4 People who visit for the first time are safe.

 Features a route and transfer search function from the current location to the spot.
 In the walking route search from a smartphone, you can also search options that are nice for walking around the town, such as "short distance", "many roofs", and "less stairs".

5 "Recommended" or "Like" with friends and family Share

 Each spot information page has Twitter, Facebook, and LINE icons. Because it is a digital version, you can share your favorite spot information on SNS.

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Nishi Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

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Page ID: 187-642-617

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