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Higashi Elementary School Community House


Last update date May 20, 2021

Address: 59, Azumagaoka, Nishi-ku
Access: 5-minute walk from Hinodecho Station on the Keikyu Line

It is a community house in Higashi Elementary School, just after passing through the shopping street from Hinodecho Station on the Keikyu Line and just from the Higashi Elementary Entrance Intersection. It is a facility that can be used casually as a base for lifelong learning and local activities for local people, and for the purpose of deepening exchange cooperation with the community.

(Image: 21KB) Peripheral map (Click to enlarge)

Contact information
Telephone/FAX: 045-263-1111

Usage time
9 am to 9 pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday 9am to 9pm

How to make a reservation?

  • Subscription groups will accept applications by the 15th of the previous month.
  • For other organizations, please submit the prescribed application form to the secretariat by the 5th of the previous month.
  • In case of overlapping applications, the secretariat will make adjustments.

Closed days
Tuesday (for school use day), Friday (for voluntary use date), New Year's holidays (from December 29 to January 3)

Facility layout drawing

(Image: 12KB)
Click here to see the enlarged view.

Photo of the facility

Photographs of Training Room A
Training room A (capacity: 40 people)

Photograph of Training Room B
Training room B (capacity: 20 people)

Photo of Community House Reception
Community House Reception

Photo of meeting salon
Meeting salon (free space)

Not available for commercial purposes, religion missionary activities, or inconvenience to others.

To Higashi Elementary School Community House Original Homepage (outside site)

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For inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-320-8393

Phone: 045-320-8393

Fax: 045-322-5063

Email address:

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Page ID: 963-945-548

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