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  5. [Cancellation] Nishi Ward de Collaboration “Rugby x Shopping Street” Festival 2019

Here's the text.

[Cancellation] Nishi Ward de Collaboration “Rugby x Shopping Street” Festival 2019

Due to traffic disruptions are expected due to the approach of Typhoon No. 19, the "Nishi Ward de Collaboration" Rugby x Shopping Street "Festival 2019" scheduled to be held on Saturday, October 12 will be canceled. . There is no plan to hold the event with a new date set. If you have already applied, we will contact you by phone or e-mail. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those who are planning to participate.

Last Updated October 9, 2019

Basic information

Event name

[Cancellation] Nishi Ward de Collaboration “Rugby x Shopping Street” Festival 2019

Event Overview

Due to traffic disruptions are expected due to the approach of Typhoon No. 19, the "Nishi Ward de Collaboration" Rugby x Shopping Street "Festival 2019" scheduled to be held on Saturday, October 12 will be canceled. .

We offer a variety of rugby experiences [Rugby Corner] and [Shopping Street Corner] where Nishi Ward's "delicious" shops line up.

[Rugby Corner]

  • Contact rugby class

Experience the joy of rugby by trying and tackle with Kanto Gakuin High School Rokuura Rugby Club. (Advance application required)

  • Kick & Pass Challenge



Let's challenge the kick and pass, which is the basic movement of rugby. Rugby original goods will be presented to successful people.

  • Rugby quiz

If you know, you will be given a quiz about rugby rules and Japanese national players that will make watching rugby even more fun. Rugby original goods will be presented to the correct answerer.

[Shopping Street Corner]

  • Gold leaf


An exquisite Chinese restaurant by a Taiwanese restaurant that won the Gachi series for the second consecutive year will appear.
Received a silver prize in last year's Gachi series fried rice category.
In this year's Gachi series hamburger category, he won the gold prize.

  • Goro Tsukayoshi Shoten


Founded 150 years ago. Special sake from local Kanagawa Prefecture and sake
I'll have some beer.

  • Okashiji Tabeya


Founded 106 years ago. Manju, dumplings, yokan, etc., which are particular about domestic ingredients.
You can enjoy a wide selection of products.

  • Soba restaurant Matsuzuru


A long-established store where you can feel the warmth of the shopkeeper. It's an unusual favorite soba sushi
Karaage is a specialty dish.

Date of Date

October 12, 2019

Date and time details

From 11:00 to 14:00
(Rugby class until 12:30)

Event area

Nishi Ward

Details of the venue

Takashima Chuo Koen (Minato Mirai 5-2)

How to participate

Please feel free to come and visit us. (Rugby class requires advance application)

Application Details

About application of contact rugby classroom

  • Target: In principle, elementary school students in the ward
  • Capacity: First 100 people
  • How to apply: Prepare the required items by phone, fax or email.
  • Inquiries: Refer to the following inquiries.


Free of charge

Target person

Anyone can participate. (Rugby classes are elementary school students in principle in the ward)

Sponsored by

Nishi Ward Office

Co-sponsored and sponsored

Nishi Ward Sports Promotion Business Promotion Committee

For inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-320-8389

Phone: 045-320-8389

Fax: 045-322-5063

Email address:

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Page ID: 617-840-746

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