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  5. Paris 2024 Paralympic Japan National Team Player is coming! Nishi Ward and Hodogaya Ward will hold a joint lecture on human rights awareness.

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Paris 2024 Paralympic Japan National Team Player is coming! Nishi Ward and Hodogaya Ward will hold a joint lecture on human rights awareness.

Last Updated September 18, 2024

Held area: Nishi Ward, Hodogaya Ward

Genre: Sports, welfare, and others

Event name

2024 Nishi Ward-Hodogaya Ward Joint Human Rights Awareness Lecture


In order to create a society where people respect each other's human rights and live together, Nishi Ward and Hodogaya Ward jointly hold human rights awareness lectures to encourage each other to raise their awareness of human rights.
In 2024, Hideo Uda, a top athlete of para triathlon, will be invited as a lecturer and will give a lecture with episodes of the Paris Paralympic Games.
Why don't you think about a symbiotic society through the perspective of parasports?

  • Tutor

Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Triathlon Competition (PTS4 Class) Silver Medalist Hideo Uda

Hideo Uda (smile) Photo of Hideo Uda (during triathlon cycling)

  • Theme

"What you can only do now"-parasports and human rights-

  • Contents

Under preparation

※Sign language interpreter available

  • Capacity

About 500 people

Date of the event

October 23, 2024

Date and time details

From 14:00 to 15:30


Nishi-public hall (1-6-41 Okano, Nishi-ku)
<Venue access> (external site)

How to participate

Advance application system, first-come, first-served basis

Application Details

Please apply in one of the following ways.

1 Yokohama City Electronic Application System

Please read the 2D barcode with a mobile phone or smartphone, or access the Yokohama City Electronic Application System from the following URL and enter required items in the application form.

<URL> (external site)

2D barcode on the application form
▲Participation application form (Yokohama City Electronic Application System)


[FAX destination] 045-322-9847 ※Please be careful not to make a mistake.

3 Postcards

[Postcard mailing address] General Affairs Division, Nishi Ward Office, 1-5-10, Chuo, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0051

4 Telephone ※Reception hours is from 8:45 to 17:00 on weekdays.



  • If you are applying by fax or postcard, please send us the following information to arrive at Nishi Ward General Affairs Division within the application period.

(1) Name, phonetic (2) Postal Code, Address (3) Phone number or FAX Number (4) Participation in Human Rights Awareness Lectures

  • If you wish to take temporary childcare, please apply by October 9, two weeks ago. (Target: In principle, 2 years old to pre-school children. Watching in a separate room.
  • If you are using a wheelchair, please fill it out at the time of application.


We will contact you only if the number of applicants exceeds the capacity.

We will not contact you individually if you can participate, so please come to the venue on the day after applying.

Application period

From Monday, September 16, 2024 to 17:00 on Tuesday, October 22

If the capacity is reached, the application may be closed before the application deadline.


Free of charge

Target person

Anyone can apply.

Lecture handbill

Human rights enlightenment lecture handbill

Sponsorship and co-sponsorship

Host: Nishi Ward Office Hodogaya Ward Office

2024 is the 80th anniversary of the Nishi Ward system.

Inquiries to this page

Nishi Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division

Telephone: 045-320-8308

Telephone: 045-320-8308

Fax: 045-322-9847

Email address:

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Page ID: 774-891-303

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