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Minami Ward Residents' Life Map

Last update date April 1, 2024

Minami Ward publishes the Minami Ward Residents' Life Map, which covers public facilities and parks throughout the city. Of these, map information is also available on the website as a PDF file.

Minami Ward is divided into three directions.
Index map

Minami Ward inhabitant of a ward life map (issued in March 2024) (PDF: 10,498KB)
We release thing which divided ward into three areas (northwest direction, northeast, southwest area) is open.
In addition, please note that the vicinity of the boundaries of each area are listed in duplicate.
1.Northwest direction map (PDF: 3,497KB)
2.Northeast Area Map (PDF: 4,105KB)
3.Southwest direction map (PDF: 3,173KB)

Please also use GIS version "Minami Ward Residents' Life Map".

GIS is an abbreviation of Geographic Information System (Geographic Information System), a system that displays, manages, and analyzes various information on a map. The features of the GIS version "Minami Ward Residents' Life Map" are as follows.

1.Click the icon on the map to see detailed information about the facility (Address, Phone number, etc.).
2.By selecting the checkbox in "Switch display", you can switch the display / hide icon on the map.
3.In addition to switching between maps, aerial photographs, and topographic maps in the 1930s, you can easily search, move, and scale changes in Address.
4.If you connect the printer, you can print it freely.
5.Since the posted information can be updated immediately, new construction, relocation, abolition, etc. of facilities displayed with the icon will be quickly reflected.

How to obtain the printed version "Minami Ward Residents' Life Map"

The printed version of the "Minami Ward Residents' Life Map" is handed to those who have moved in, and is distributed at the "Window Information" on the 1st floor of the Minami Ward Office.
If you would like to receive it by mail, please fill in the postal code, Address, and name of the recipient, and send a reply envelope with a 140 yen stamp (in the case of one copy) to the address below. The size of the envelope must be A5 size or larger.
<Send> Public Relations Section, Minami Ward Office, 2-33, Urafunecho, Minami-ku, Yokohama, 232-0024, Japan

In order to open PDF files, you may need a separate PDF reader.
If you do not have it, you can download it free of charge from Adobe.
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For inquiries to this page

Minami Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-341-1112

Phone: 045-341-1112

Fax: 045-341-1241

Email address:

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Page ID: 816-389-449

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