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Seal Registration

Last Updated September 4, 2024

What is Seal Registration?

It is to register that your private seal is yours. When you register, you will receive a private seal registration card.
When buying land, buildings, cars, etc., you may need a private seal from Seal Registration.

How to register

You can register at your ward office Family Registry Division.

What you need

Resident Card or Special Permanent Resident Certificate
A stamp to register

Hanko that can be registered

Hanko size that fits in a square with a side of 8 mm or more and 25 mm or less.

※Hankos with nicknames, etc., without outer frames, cannot be registered. For more information, please contact the ward office Family Registry Division.

Seal Registration Certificate

It is a document that proves that your private seal belongs to you.
Seal Registration Certificate can be obtained at the ward office or at the administrative service corner.
You can also apply online (only for those who have a My Number card).

Belongings required for billing at the counter

private seal Registration Card (Card)
300 yen (1 sheet)

Contact information
Contents Contact information
Thing about Seal Registration Civic Affairs Bureau Service Section (*Japanese only)
Telephone: 045-671-2176
Fax: 045-664-5295
Email address:

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