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  6. Let's be healthy with parents and children! Preschool parents and children's toothpaste

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Let's be healthy with parents and children! Preschool parents and children's toothpaste

Last Updated May 22, 2024

Did you know that your father and mother's oral health is related to the prevention of cavity in children?
5 to 6 years old is the time when adult teeth (permanent teeth) grow.
In particular, the 6-year-old molar that grows at the bottom is the largest of permanent teeth, with strong chewing power and very important teeth.
However, it is said to be the most cavity tooth among teeth.
We will talk about protecting this tooth and brushing advice for father, mother and child.
It is a content that parents and children can learn about cavity prevention tips and periodontal disease prevention.

About conduct of toothpaste classroom of parent and child before school

Target person

Approximately 4 to 6 years old and 10 pairs of parents


  • Lectures by dentists
  • Talking about brushing by a dental hygienist and brushing advice
  • ※Sibling children are also allowed to participate (there is no childcare).
  • ※We will present care goods selected by the dental hygienist.


Kohoku Ward Office 1F Health Examination Floor


  • Parents usually use toothbrushes
  • The toothbrush that your child usually uses.
  • Towel

Date of Date

  1. Thursday, August 29, 2024
  2. Thursday, December 26, 2024
  3. Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Holding time

10 o'clock to 11:30 (from 9:45)

About application

How to apply

Yokohama City Electronic Application Service
※You can apply when the application start date is reached.

Application start date

Preschool toothpaste class for parents and children
Number Date of Date Application start date
1 Thursday, August 29, 2024 Tuesday, July 16, 2024 (outside site)
2 Thursday, December 26, 2024 Monday, November 18, 2024
3 Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Monday, February 17, 2025

For inquiries to this page

Kohoku Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division

Phone: 045-540-2338

Phone: 045-540-2338

Fax: 045-540-2368

Email address:

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Page ID: 920-708-486

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