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Here's the text.

Data Terms of Service

Last Updated November 2, 2018

Article 1 (Copyright of Kanazawa Ward)

Regarding the use of copyrighted works by Kanazawa Ward (reproduction, public transmission, adaptation of translation/transformation, etc.), unless otherwise indicated, the Creative Commons License (hereinafter referred to as “CC License”) 2.1 Japan ( Data such as numerical data, simple tables and graphs are not subject to copyright, so among those resources, these target data is not subject to the CC license and can be used freely.

Article 2 (Rights of Third Party)

Third parties may have copyrights or other rights in the target data. Regarding the location where the third party has copyrights and the target data for which the third party has rights other than copyright (eg, portrait rights, publicity rights, etc. for photographs), the rights have been processed in particular. Unless otherwise specified, the user is responsible for obtaining permission from the third party. Please note that in principle, we do not specify or specify the part of the target data for which a third party has rights.

Article 3 (No guarantee)

We do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the target data, or suitability for a specific purpose. We are not responsible for any damage caused by using the target data.

Article 4 (Relationships with the terms and conditions of other sites)

If the target data is also published on another site from this site, the terms of use of the other site (aside from the terms of use specified by laws and regulations, the terms of use of the site) ) And if the terms of use of this site are different, the terms of use of this site shall take precedence.

Article 5 (compliance law and jurisdiction over agreement)

The terms and conditions of this site are construed in accordance with Japanese law. Regarding disputes regarding the Terms of Use of this Site and the use of the Target Data, the district court that has jurisdiction over the location of the organization that discloses the Target Data or Terms of Use pertaining to the Dispute shall be the exclusive jurisdiction court of first instance.

(Requests and precautions for use)

If possible, please indicate the source (1. Organization name, 2. Resource name and 3. Resource URL) for numerical data that is not applicable to the CC license and data such as simple tables and graphs. In addition, we would like to know the usage status, etc., so if possible, please let the administrator of this site know.
Please comply with the relevant laws and regulations when using the service.

Inquiries to this page

Kanazawa Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-788-7801

Phone: 045-788-7801

Fax: 045-788-1937

Email address:

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Page ID: 799-587-989

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