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  3. Child care and education
  4. Child care support and consultation
  5. About wearing masks in the Children and Families Support Division business

Here's the text.

About wearing masks in the Children and Families Support Division business

The wearing of masks in the Children and Families Support Division business is as follows. Please be aware that it may be reviewed depending on the future situation. Details will be announced on the website.

Last Updated March 14, 2023

About wearing a mask

Until now, we used to wear masks in principle, but from March 13, 2023, wearing masks will be based on individual judgment.

In addition to various projects such as infant health checkups (4-month-old children, 1-year-old and 6-month-old children, 3-year-old children) conducted at the ward office, measures to prevent the spread of infection at child care supporters venues and local childcare classes implemented in the area Implement after taking measures.
If there are rules depending on the venue, please follow those rules.

About parent classroom and pre-papa pre-mama classroom that we carry out in ward office, I would like wearing mask.

[Reference Information]
It is generally said that pneumonia during pregnancy can be more severe than when not pregnant.
For details, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (external site).

Inquiries to this page

Kanazawa Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Telephone: 045-788-7785

Telephone: 045-788-7785

Fax: 045-788-7794

Email address:

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Page ID: 446-797-619

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