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Gem of Isoko

Last Updated September 26, 2024

What is "Isogo's gem"?

Gem of Isoko

We are recruiting food and drinks from Isogo Ward, which are rooted and loved in the local community, mainly residents of the city.
The ward office certifies it as a gem.
Through excavation and rediscovering of local resources, we aim to improve the appeal of the ward.
・Fiscal 2011: After examination of inhabitant of a ward monitor, 27 products were certified.
・Fiscal 2013: Additional certification of the top 25 products that were frequently recommended by residents of the city.
・FY2019: Additional certification of the top five products that were frequently recommended by residents of the city.
※As of August 1, 2024, the number of certified products is 40.

Introducing "Isogo's gem" certified as of March 1, 2023 along with photos and maps.
In addition, information on the surrounding "highlights" is also posted.

Please inflect as an companion when you stroll through the town of "Isoko".

Isogo's Special Pamphlet

[B5 size, page 28]

Click here for download.
"Special dish of Isoko" brochure (PDF: 8,482KB)
"Isoko's gem" brochure [English] (PDF: 13,018KB)
"Special dish of Isogo" brochure [Chinese (Simplified)] (PDF: 13,408KB)

If you would like to receive an introduction booklet by mail, please contact us.
Enclose a reply envelope (180 yen stamp attached, address description, "Square No. 3 B5 size" or "Square No. 2 A4 size") and enclose it
Please send it to the address below. ※If you would like more than 2 books, please contact us.
3-5-1, Isogo, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi
Isogo Ward Office, Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section, "The Gem of Isoko"

・Isogo Fugetsudo (Gomadare Mochi) closed on July 31, 2024.

Photo of cold tote bag

We hold stamp events around "Isogo's gem" stores.
Please download the "Yokohama Walking Point" app on your smartphone and participate.
If you send location information at your store, you can earn stamps and points.
For those who have conquered all checkpoints of Event 12
Isogo Ward's original "cooled tote bag" will be presented
Those who applied for a present at the last "Isogo's Gem" stamp event are also welcome!
You can try again.

Stamp event name: Let's conquer the "Isogo's gem" store!①②

Period: End as soon as the present runs out

※The end time will be announced on the "Isogo's Gem" homepage (this page) and the "Yokohama Walking Point" application.

Click here to download the app.
Download of Yokohama Walking Point App (outside site)

Click here for the app manual.
Manual of Yokohama Walking Point (outside site)
 ※For details on how to participate in stamp events and obtain stamps, see pages 27 to 28 of the manual.

■Application conditions
Those who meet all of the following conditions are eligible.
①Those who participated in the stamp event and collected all stamps
②Those who live, work, or attend school in Yokohama City over 18 years old
■How to apply
Please take a screenshot or camera of the achievement screen and apply via the application form (external site) or present the achievement screen at the Ward Administration Promotion Division window on the 6th floor of the Isogo Ward Office.
■required items
Name, Address, Phone number, year of birth (AD), or if you are working or studying in the city, you must work or school name and location.
※The personal information you provide will not be used for any purpose other than sending out gifts.

Inquiries about stamp events

■About "Isoko's gem" and present application
Isogo Ward Office Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section "The Gem of Isoko" Secretariat
TEL: 045-750-2331
FAX: 045-750-2533
Reception hours: Weekdays 8.45 to 17.00 (closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)
■About Yokohama walking point business
Yokohama Walking Point Business (YWP) Secretariat
TEL: 0570-080-130、045-681-4655
Reception hours: Weekdays 9.30 to 17.30 (closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)

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Inquiries to this page

Isogo Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Telephone: 045-750-2331

Telephone: 045-750-2331

Fax: 045-750-2533

Email address:

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Page ID: 551-953-289

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