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  6. How to keep a dog (dog registration and rabies vaccination)

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How to keep a dog (dog registration and rabies vaccination)

Last Updated March 28, 2024

Please check the Animal Protection Center website for details on the group injection site that is being implemented every April in 2024.
When you come to the collective injection site, you will need a triple “Yokohama City rabies vaccination Complete Vote Grant Application Form”, so please bring it with you.

About procedure after vaccination at animal hospital

When injecting at a veterinary hospital commissioned by Yokohama City

You can issue rabies vaccination and rabies vaccination at the same time. Please refer to rabies vaccination for more information about necessary/required procedures.

When an injection is made at a veterinary hospital that is not commissioned by Yokohama City

The veterinarian will issue a "rabies vaccination Certificate" (paper certificate), so please go to the Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division window where you live. For more information about necessary/required procedures, please refer to the rabies vaccination.

Registration of Dogs and rabies vaccination

Dog owners are required by law to register dogs aged 91 days or older and have them receive rabies vaccination once a year.

About registration of dog

If you are over 91 days old, you need to register.
Registration is valid for a lifetime and a dog dog's license tag will be issued upon registration.

  • Registration fee: 3,000 yen
  • Procedure location
  1. Ward office Health Sanitation Division window (reception: weekdays 8: 45-17: 00)
  2. Animal hospital commissioned by Yokohama City

For more information, please visit the websiteTo the site of Yokohama City of Yokohama City Animal Protection Center.

If there is a change in the registration information or your dog dies

Notification is required if the Address changed after moving, the owner changed, or the dog died.
Please refer to ward office Health Sanitation Division (TEL045-750-2452) about report method.

rabies vaccination must take it once a year.
In addition, procedure is necessary after injection.
Once you complete the procedure, you will receive a valid rabies vaccination vote only for that year.

  • rabies vaccination Voting Fees: 550 yen
  • Procedure location
  1. Ward office Health Sanitation Division window (reception: weekdays 8: 45-17: 00)
  2. Animal hospital commissioned by Yokohama City

For more information, please visit the websiteTo the site of Yokohama City of Yokohama City Animal Protection Center.

  • Belongings

・If you have registered your dog, you will receive a "rabies vaccination Vote Grant Application Form" sent in mid-March.
・If you are coming to the counter, please refer to the rabies vaccination certificate issued by the veterinarian.

Be careful when receiving rabies vaccination at a veterinary clinic

  • It is expected that veterinary hospitals will be crowded from April to June, so please contact the veterinary clinic in advance.
  • The injection fee varies from animal hospital to animal hospital.
  • If you have registered your dog, be sure to bring the “rabies vaccination Form Grant Application Form” (three-linked form) sent in mid-March.

If your dog doesn't get rabies vaccination?

If you are worried that your dog will be injected due to old age, illness, etc., consult a veterinary clinic.

Let's put dog's license tag and an injection slip on the dog

Dogs dog's license tag and rabies vaccination votes are required by law to be worn on dogs.
In addition, even if your dog gets lost or leaves due to a disaster, etc., you can contact the owner if these are attached to your collar etc.

Why do you need dog registration and rabies vaccination?

Rabies is a terrible disease infecting all mammals, not just dogs, and once they become sick, almost 100% death.
There is no certain cure for this disease.

No outbreaks have been observed in Japan since 1957, but tens of thousands of people die from rabies every year around the world.
In 2006, two dogs bitten abroad developed rabies after returning to Japan and died.
Currently, there are no outbreaks in Japan due to the fact that pathogens are difficult to invade because they are island countries, and appropriate measures such as thorough vaccination were taken in the early Showa era when outbreaks were observed.
However, with the development of transportation, this terrible disease is in a situation where it is unlikely that it will invade Japan at any time, and it is very difficult to eradicate once it spreads in the country.

Rabies is overwhelmingly transmitted from dogs to humans worldwide, so each dog you have is vaccinated with a vaccine to prevent epidemics in the event of an invasion. Can be prevented.
Registration and rabies vaccinations are not just for your dog.
Be sure to do it as the owner's responsibility to protect the people around you from terrible illnesses.


How to keep responsible

  • Pets are also part of your family. Let's keep it with affection until the end.
  • Be sure to discipline yourself so that you do not disturb neighbors or surrounding people due to squeals.
  • Discipline excretion before the walk, and bring tools to clear the dung so that you can take it home if you dung on the road or park during the walk. In addition, please take care not to pee at the entrance or fence of another house.
  • Be sure to wear a tow rope during a walk or in a public place such as a park, and never release it. Don't stretch the rope for a long time, and keep the dog's control even in case of emergency.
  • If your dog bites a person, please notify Health Sanitation Division Environmental Sanitation Section.

Inquiries to this page

Isogo Ward Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division

Telephone: 045-750-2452

Telephone: 045-750-2452

Fax: 045-750-2548

Email address:

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Page ID: 887-135-240

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