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Last Updated June 9, 2024

Information on Isogo Residents' Activities Support Center

Photograph of Isoppi Center

What is the Isosgo Residents' Activity Support Center?

The Isogo Residents' Activities Support Center is a facility that can be used by everyone as an exchange base for people and groups working in the area.
Through events, courses, consultations, information provision, and provision of places and equipment, we support local residents' "gathering and connecting" activities.

"Is there anyone who can play a picture-story show at an event where children gather?"
"I've been involved in school education for many years, so I want to teach children who can't go to cram school."
"For my health, I would like to join if I have a yoga circle for the elderly ..."

We support everyone's "want to learn" and "want to do activities" and provide the necessary information.
As the Isogo Residents' Activities Support Center has various local volunteer lecturers and activity groups and groups, groups, please feel free to contact us.

Isogo Residents' Activities Support Center Usage Guide

Location of Isogo Residents' Activities Support Center

The Isogo Residents' Activities Support Center is located on the 7th floor of the Isogo Ward Office.
〒235-0016 3-5-1 Isogo, Isogo-ku Isogo Ward General Government Building 7F
Phone: 045-754-2390 FAX: 045-759-4116

●Usage time: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
●Closed days: Holidays, New Year's Holidays


We send announcements such as closed days.

Information on events and courses

The Isogo Residents' Activities Support Center holds events such as the "Isogo Community Activity Forum" and "Isoppi Golden Week", as well as useful courses such as "community development Juku" and "Skill Up Course".

About information paper "Isotsuna"

The information paper "Isotsuna" sends a variety of information, such as events and lectures, local volunteer instructors who are active, and groups for recruiting members.
You can also see information on inhabitants' facilities such as the Isogo Ward district center and community house.

About Isogo Ward local volunteer lecturer

Local volunteer lecturers are people who can use their knowledge, skills, and experience to work in the community.
In response to requests from Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Associations, local organizations, elementary and junior high schools and various facilities, we have been active in lectures and hands-on learning.

Groups and organizations in Isogo Ward

It is registered as a group or organization by organizations engaged in local activities in various fields, mainly in Isogo Ward.
If you want to start something or want to participate in a group, please contact the Isogo Residents' Activities Support Center.

Rental space and equipment rental

The Isogo Residents' Activities Support Center can use a rental space for meetings and group activities as a local activity base.
In addition, equipment for creating materials such as printing machines, paper folding machines, and matching machines, as well as equipment that excites events such as projectors, microphones, and CD decks can be used.
You will need to register for use, but please use it.

Rental space

Lending equipment, information corner

For inquiries to this page

Isogo inhabitant of a ward activity support center

Phone: 045-754-2390

Phone: 045-754-2390

Fax: 045-759-4116

Email address:

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Page ID: 934-829-041

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