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Gathering of inhabitants of a ward in 2022

Last Updated December 8, 2022

We held "gathering of inhabitant of a ward" in 2022!

 From 1:00 pm on Saturday, November 12, we were able to hold the event with inhabitants of the ward gathering at Hodogaya public hall for the first time in three years since 2019. .
 In the current situation where there is a long blank of three years and the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended, I am delighted that we were able to hold the event safely, and thank the residents of the city for their visit.

We hold "gathering of inhabitant of a ward" in 2022!

Gathering poster of inhabitants of a ward

 From 1:00 pm on Saturday, November 12, 2022, we will hold "Gathering of inhabitants of a ward" in Hodogaya public hall in 2022.
 As dispatch from inhabitant of a ward meeting, activity report from five subcommittees of the whole inhabitant of a ward meeting, environment, education, traffic, disaster, welfare and report about suggestion, request issued in "local gathering" of this year I will do it.
 In addition, we will work on chorus, whistle performance, and "food drive" and "collection of waste cooking oil" at the reception entrance.
 Admission is free and no application is required, so please come and visit us.

Date and time

From 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Saturday, November 12, 2022 (opening at 12:30).
※Admission free, sign language interpreter available


Hodogaya public hall


◆Hodogaya Residents' Meeting 24th Activity Report

・Activity report from inhabitant of a ward meeting

・Report of Environment, Education, Transportation, Disasters and Welfare Subcommittees

・Report on proposals and requests for "local gatherings"

◆Song Choir of the Ward

◆Yokohama Sound Stream (humble performance)

◇Food drive (12:30-13:30)
This is an activity to collect surplus food at home and deliver it to facilities and people who need food.
<Foods that can be donated>
 Oh Canned food, retort food, instant meals, etc.
 Oh General processed foods, emergency stockpiles, etc.
 Oh Foods with a shelf life of 2 months or more
<Foods that cannot be donated>
 X Fresh food, bento, and leftover food
 X Foods whose expiration date has expired
 X Foods with no expiration date.

◇Collection of waste cooking oil (from 12:30 to 13:30)
Collecting waste cooking oil (such as used tempura oil) leads to a reduction in combustible waste and a reduction in carbon dioxide. It can also be recycled into environmentally friendly fuels.
<Recoverable oil> Used and expired vegetable oils
<How to bring your own> Put it in a plastic bottle and close the lid tightly so that it does not leak.
 ※Make sure that water does not enter as much as possible. If the expiration date is not used, it can be collected as it is.

◇Fresh local vegetable "Yuichi" (after the end)

Inquiries to this page

Hodogaya Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-334-6221

Telephone: 045-334-6221

Fax: 045-333-7945

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Page ID: 663-582-504

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