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3rd Hodogaya Hot Town Development (Hodogaya Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan)

Major initiatives during the planning period (FY2016-32)

Last Updated September 21, 2022

3rd Hodogaya Hot Town Development (Hodogaya Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan)

Hodogaya Hot Town Development Title
Hodogaya Hot Town Development

Pickup information

  • Hodogaya Hot Town Development Casebook! (Issued in November 2018)
  • A summary version of the brochure "Next Stage New Door" has been published! (issued in December 2017)

Hodogaya Hot Town Development Casebook!

Image image of the cover of casebook
Cover of casebook

In the middle year of the third Hodogaya Hot Town Development (Community Welfare and Health Plan: from 2016 to 32), we made casebook summarizing past approaches.
Contents "Hodogaya Hot Town Development Case Studies" (PDF: 9,608KB)

An overview version of "Next Stage Beyond New Door" has been created!

Image image of the cover of the NextStage summary version
NextStage summary version

As a place where you can help the inhabitants realize their thoughts of "let's do something" and "let's have more fun", we focus on familiar inhabitant of a ward use facility and provide guidance (December 2017 Issued).

Contents "Next Stage Beyond New Door (Summary Version)" (PDF: 3,016KB)

List of guide map of facilities to introduce "Each facility information in ward" (PDF: 1,233KB)

※For more information about each facility, please refer to the Hodogaya Ward facility information page.

Brochure "Next Stage New Door" has been published!

Image image of NextStage cover
Cover of NextStage

Hodogaya Ward issued a pamphlet entitled "Nexr Stage Beyond the New Door" (issued in March 2017) to encourage local debuts for those who want to enjoy their own life in the future.

Contents "Next Stage Beyond the New Door" (PDF: 4,893KB)

"I'm so far. I'm in the future."

To date, impressive events that have occurred in society have been posted in chronological order.

"I found, Next Stage I'm in my own place."

Introducing the next stage of three men and women who have found a new place and role after work and child care have settled down.

"Why don't you think about how to spend your time in the future?"

Use of catchphrases and keywords to introduce how to use each facility in the ward that supports local activities in an easy-to-understand manner

Press release document (PDF: 197KB)

We introduce approach of the third Hodogaya Hot Town Development (Community Welfare Health Plan).

We hold "relief town development forum-37th Hodogaya Ward social welfare meet ..."! → It's finished. Thank you very much for your visit.

 For the purpose of further promotion and enhancement of community-based welfare, we hold relieved town development forum-the 37th Hodogaya Ward social welfare meet ... We commend individuals and groups who have achieved achievements in welfare and health activities in the city and express their gratitude, and have you introduce various approaches in each district from those who are active in the area.

  • Date and time: From 13:00 to 15:30 on Saturday, December 7, 2019
  • Location: Hodogaya public hall (1-2-1 Hoshikawa, Hodogaya-ku, Hodogaya-ku) ※3-minute walk from Hoshikawa Station on the Sotetsu Line
  • Auditorium program

12:30 Reception/Opening
13:00 Social Welfare Achievement Award Ceremony
Around 14:00 Hodogaya Hot Town Development Activity Announcement
Scheduled to end at 15:30
In the lobby, a welfare bazaar and a welfare exhibition will be held from 12:00 to 16:00.

  • Commentator: Atsushi Nishio (Professor, Aichi Toho University)
  • Presentation district: Iwama district, Buddhist district
  • Target: Those who live, work, or attend school in Hodogaya Ward
  • No prior application is required, and anyone can participate!
  • We have a sign language interpreter and summary writing.

We hold Hodogaya relieved town development lecture of the 90th anniversary of the constituency system. → It's finished. Thank you very much for your visit.

Why don't you explore the charm of your neighborhood to make it more fun and brighter in the area?
We invite free announcer Masaaki Horio to give a lecture for local residents.

Relief town development lecture flyer image

  • Date and time: From 14:00 to 15:30 on Wednesday, March 7, 2018
  • Location:Hodogaya public hall (outside site)(1-2-1 Hoshikawa, Hodogaya-ku, Hodogaya-ku)
    ※3-minute walk from Hoshikawa Station on the Sotetsu Line
  • Lecturer: Mr. Masaaki Horio (Free announcer, former NHK announcer)
  • Lecture Theme: The decisive factor for regional revitalization is "from the bottom strength and coverage activities in the neighborhood."
  • Target: Those who live, work, or attend school in Hodogaya Ward
  • Capacity: 500 people on a first-come, first-served basis (reception will end as soon as the capacity is reached) No prior application, admission is free!
  • We introduce main public use facilities in ward until 16:00 in lobby.
  • Flyer for the lecture (expanded version of the image) (PDF: 700KB)

Photographs of Mr. Horio and Mr. Director General
From left, Mr. Masaaki Horio, Mr.
Mayor Sugai.

※On the day of the event, more than 400 people from the area came. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
The lecture filled with hints on local activities was Mr. Horio's skillful speech, which occasionally occasionally laughed.

The third Hodogaya Hot Town Development (Community Welfare and Health Plan) has been completed!

The third Hodogaya Hot Town Development (Community Welfare and Health Plan: from 2016 to 32), which has repeatedly developed opinions with many inhabitants of a ward and related organizations and organizations, has been completed.

<plan leaflet / booklet (other than district-specific plans)>
PDF versionText version
PDFThe third Hodogaya Hot Town Development (Community Welfare Health Plan) Leaflet (PDF: 1,325KB)Leaflet (text file: 3KB)
PDFBooklet batch download (PDF: 12,870KB) 
PDFCover and Table of Contents (PDF: 1,071KB)Cover and Table of Contents (text file: 1KB)
PDFChapter 1 Third Hodogaya Basic Philosophy of Hot Town Development (PDF: 1,337KB)Chapter 1 (text file: 3KB)
PDFChapter 2 The situation surrounding community welfare health (PDF: 1,413KB)Chapter 2 (text file: 6KB)
PDFChapter 3 Ward whole area plan (PDF: 2,979KB)Chapter 3 (text file: 47KB)
PDFChapter 4 District Plan (Cover) (PDF: 881KB)Chapter 4 (Cover) (Text file: 294bytes)
PDFChapter 5 How to Proceed with Efforts (PDF: 953KB)Chapter 5 (text file: 11KB)
PDFChapter 6 Materials and Back Cover (PDF: 1,514KB)Chapter 6 ・ Back Cover (Text file: 11KB)
<Plan Booklet (plan by district)>
PDF versionText version
1PDFHodogaya district (PDF: 962KB)Hodogaya district (text file: 2KB)
2PDFHodogaya southern district of Hodogaya (PDF: 925KB)Hodogaya southern district (text file: 3KB)
3PDFHodogaya Naka District (PDF: 901KB)Hodogayanaka district (text file: 3KB)
4PDFIwai-machihara district (PDF: 900KB)Iwai-machihara district (text file: 2KB)
5PDFHodogaya western district (PDF: 905KB)Hodogaya western district (text file: 2KB)
6PDFShin-Sakuragaoka district (PDF: 954KB)Shin-Sakuragaoka district (text file: 3KB)
7PDFGontasaka Sakaigi district (PDF: 990KB)Gontasaka Sakaigi district (text file: 3KB)
8PDFHodogaya eastern district (PDF: 1,064KB)Hodogaya eastern district (text file: 3KB)
9PDFIwama district (PDF: 958KB)Iwama district (text file: 3KB)
10PDFCentral district (PDF: 939KB)Central district (text file: 2KB)
11PDFCentral eastern district (PDF: 879KB)Central eastern district (text file: 3KB)
12PDFWada district (PDF: 638KB)Wada district (text file: 4KB)
13PDFKamihoshikawa district (PDF: 1,065KB)Kamihoshikawa district (text file: 2KB)
14PDFTokiwadai district (PDF: 1,319KB)Tokiwadai district (text file: 2KB)
15PDFNishiya district (PDF: 980KB)Nishiya district (text file: 3KB)
16PDFKawashima Eastern District (PDF: 910KB)Kawashima eastern district (text file: 2KB)
17PDFBuddhism district (PDF: 1,017KB)Buddhist district (text file: 3KB)
18PDFKawashimabara district (PDF: 1,032KB)Kawashimabara district (text file: 3KB)
19PDFKamishinchi-ku (PDF: 967KB)Kamishinchi-ku (text file: 3KB)
20PDFSasayama district (PDF: 921KB)Sasayama district (text file: 3KB)
21PDFSenmarudai district (PDF: 968KB)Senmarudai district (text file: 1KB)

※Braille versions are also available at the ward office and ward Japan National Council of Social Welfare.
Braille version data is also available, so if you need it, please contact us.

Opinion offer result about the third Hodogaya Hot Town Development (Community Welfare Health Plan) draft

Thank you for your valuable opinions and suggestions from the inhabitants of the ward on the development of the third Hodogaya Hot Town Development (Community Welfare Health Plan).
As we summarized conduct result and way of thinking as ward, we report.
Opinion offer conduct result to the third Hodogaya Hot Town Development (Community Welfare Health Plan) draft (PDF: 272KB)

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For inquiries to this page

Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division

Phone: 045-334-6341

Phone: 045-334-6341

Fax: 045-333-6309

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Page ID: 166-551-869

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