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Hodogaya Ward's Disaster Medical System

The disaster preparedness plan Yokohama City was revised in April 2013 to provide medical care according to the degree of urgency and severity so that doctors, pharmacists, nurses, etc. can work effectively and receive appropriate medical care according to the severity oflocal medical aid center.

Last Updated September 21, 2021

Image of medical system by character severity at the time of disaster
In the event of a disaster, consult a medical institution according to the severity so that many people can receive appropriate medical care.

※What is a medical rescue squad?

When an earthquake with a seismic intensity of 6 or less is observed, a medical rescue squad will be formed by doctors, pharmacists, and nursing staff (Y nurse *), etc. who gathered at the gathering base such as the ward headquarters. Under the direction of the medical coordination team, the medical rescue squad will visit evacuation shelter and other places in the ward to understand the situation in injured and provide emergency medical care mainly for the mildly ill.
In addition, even if the seismic intensity is less than 6 or less, if a medical rescue squad is deemed necessary, a squad may be formed depending on the damage situation.

Please click here for more information about Y Nurse.

In the event of a disaster, it is important to have a consultation without confusion in a limited medical institution

Be aware of the medical institutions in the area from around 1 day
2. Visit a medical institution according to the severity of the symptoms

Reference photo of medicine notebook
Medication notebook is also useful for emergency treatment. Please be sure to bring it with you when you evacuate.

For inquiries to this page

Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division

Phone: 045-334-6311

Phone: 045-334-6311

Fax: 045-333-6309

Email address:

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Page ID: 350-759-275

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