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- Information on window 4 (About National Health Insurance and The Long-term Care Insurance)
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Information on window 4 (About National Health Insurance and The Long-term Care Insurance)
Last Updated December 17, 2024
Notice from the 4th window (new information, alerting, etc.)
Reduction of premiums for childbirth insured persons (prenatal and postpartum reduction) (from January 2024)
A system to reduce the National Health Insurance premium for National Health Insurance insured persons (birth insured persons) who gave birth (delivery of 85 days or more (including stillbirth, miscarriage, premature birth, and abortion)) has started. Was.
In order to receive the reduction, an application is required.
Specifically, in city website (reduction of premium of childbirth insured [postpartum reduction] <from January, 2024>)
Please check it out.
Changes in insurance premiums and payment methods
There are two ways to pay insurance premiums: "special collection" (deduction from pension) and ordinary collection (fund transfer/payment form payment).
Which one you fall under is described in the insurance premium (determination) notice. Please check the latest notice.
If the payment method is specially collected as of April, the premium may change from October.
If the premium payment method is specially collected, in April, June and August, the same amount as the payment amount in February of the previous year will be paid by special collection (this is called "temporary collection") ) In October, December and February of the following year, the amount excluding the provisional collection total from the annual insurance premium will be divided into three times and paid by special collection (main collection).
For this reason, the amount of insurance premiums from October and the amount of insurance premiums up to August may differ, but the amount of insurance premiums paid annually does not change.
If the payment method is changed to special collection from October, the premium for normal collection may be changed.
If it is changed to special collection from October, in order to set the amount collected so that the amount of insurance paid by normal collection and the amount paid by special collection will be 1/2 of the annual premium, The premium for the normal collection (for the July-September period) determined in June may be changed.
Even in this case, there is no change in the amount of insurance premiums paid annually.
National Health Insurance Premiums
We are considering joining the National Health Insurance in the future.
・Those who want to know the standard of insurance premiums after joining
・If you want to know the mechanism of calculating National Health Insurance premiums, please contact us.
You can check it in the "How to calculate insurance premiums" section on the "About insurance premiums" page.
Inquiries to this page
Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Center Insurance and Pension Division
Telephone: 045-954-6134
Telephone: 045-954-6134
Fax: 045-954-5784
Email address: as-hokennenkin@city.yokohama.lg.jp
Page ID: 866-587-047