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  7. Asahi Ward Dietary Improvement Promotion Member (nickname: Asahi Ward Health Mate)

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Asahi Ward Dietary Improvement Promotion Member (nickname: Asahi Ward Health Mate)

Last update date April 1, 2024

We distribute video of puppet show "Onigiri Asahi-kun" on YouTube!

Asahi Ward Healthmate, a puppet show “Onigiri Asahi-kun” as part of its efforts to promote food education, the Asahi Ward Dietary Lifestyle Improvement Promotion Committee.
The story of the puppet show is that Asahi Ward's mascot character Asahi-kun does not eat breakfast but goes to the vegetable country and has his friends teach the importance of having breakfast, eats vegetables and mushrooms.
Until now, puppet shows have been performed at nursery schools, etc., but in the future we will distribute videos of the puppet play "Onigiri Asahi-kun" on YouTube so that residents of the city can watch it as many times as possible. In addition, we have created an easy-to-read short version, so we will distribute the video there.

Puppet play "Onigiri Asahi-kun" (outside site)
Puppet play "Onigiri Asahi-kun (short version)" (outside site)

What is the Asahi Ward Dietary Improvement Promotion Officer (Asahi Ward Health Mate)?

Under the slogan "Our health is our hands," volunteers are working to deepen local contact with the aim of establishing a harmonious lifestyle for nutrition, exercise, and rest.
Oya this food education classroom, various activities related to health promotion and eating habits for the working and child-rearing generation and the elderly. We sometimes plan and work on walking, and at regular meetings once a month (except August), we plan workshops with instructors and facility tours with instructors, and learn by themselves.

How to join

To become a Asahi Ward Health Mate, you must take at least eight times and complete the training course for members of the Diet, held by Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section, Asahi Ward government office. In the training course, you can learn about eating habits and exercise for health promotion and lifestyle-related diseases prevention, and local health promotion.
Do you not become member of improvement promotion (health mate) such as eating habits, and carry out local health promotion activity through meal? We look forward to the participation of a wide range of generations, regardless of gender or age.

Asahi Ward Dietary Life Improvement Promotion Training Course in 2024
Training course for members of Asahi Ward Dietary Improvements in 2024 (9 times in total)
(9 times in total)

Thursday, July 11, Tuesday, August 6, Thursday, September 12, Tuesday, October 1, Thursday, November 14, Tuesday, January 28, February 28, February 13, Thursday, January 13, Tuesday, March 4
City joint workshop Friday, December 6
※A certificate of completion will be given to eight or more attendees. After completing the course, you can work as a health mate.

TimeFrom 13:30 to 16:00
PlaceOffice meeting room, etc.
TargetsAdults living in Asahi Ward (those who have never attended training courses)
Capacity20 people (first come, first served)
ChargesAbout 1,500 yen (text fee)
ContentsPractical workshops such as eating habits and exercise for health promotion, cooking and exercise training
Application method

Application start date: Monday, May 13, 2024
Please apply to Health Promotion Section by phone or fax (Address, name (furigana) and Phone number).

QueriesHealth and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section
Telephone (045) 954-6146 FAX (045) 953-7713

Major activities

Puppet play "Onigiri Asahi-kun"

Asahi Ward has set "Let's eat breakfast." Therefore, we created a puppet show for "Onigiri Asahi-kun" with Asahi Ward mascot character Asahi-kun. While interacting with small children and mothers, we convey the importance of breakfast and vegetables through puppet shows.

Puppet show

Puppet show②

Oh, this food education class

In order to acquire good eating habits from childhood and pass on food culture, we hold classrooms where parents and children can practice cooking together.

Cooking class for parents and children

Health promotion classes by life stage

Under the theme of lifestyle-related diseases prevention and dietary education, we convey the importance of eating habits to all generations, from infants to the elderly through cooking training.

Health promotion classes by life stage

Health fair

Every year, themes such as "Let's eat breakfast" and "Let's eat 350g of vegetables a day" are decided, and explain the meal balance using the "Breakfast Eating Questionnaire" and "Asahi Food Education Luncheon Mat" to match the theme We carry out panel exhibitions. Every year, many people visit the booth.

Health fair Health fair②

Other activities

We provide information on dietary habits for lifestyle-related diseases and dementia prevention with the aim of extending healthy life expectancy. We carry out classrooms such as cooking training, measurement of salt concentration of miso soup at home and locomo gymnastics.

Cooking image

Contact walking

We carry out walking several times a year for the purpose of health promotion and contact.

Contact walking

Recommended recipes for healthmates

We introduce recipes that anyone can easily enjoy a delicious meal for your mind and body.

Click here for more information about the recommended recipes for healthmates.

             For more information:

For inquiries to this page

Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section

Phone: 045-954-6146

Phone: 045-954-6146

Fax: 045-953-7713

Email address:

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Page ID: 619-036-090

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