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Crime occurrence information email

Last update date November 4, 2020


Aoba Ward will send information from Aoba police department regarding crimes that have occurred in the ward by email from January 10, 2008. By registering your personal computer or mobile phone's email address, you can quickly find information on crime occurrences such as theft and snatchAoba Wardanti-crime program.
The contents of the email are, for example.
・Type of crime (example): theft, bicycle theft, snatching, etc.
・Date and time of occurrence    (Example) “From midnight to midnight on Monday”
・Place       (Example) “Yomachi-chome” “Near Park”
・Occurrence status    (Example) (In the case of bicycle theft) → Unlocked bicycles and stolen items (external site)
Access to it.
➁From the left menu, select the "Registered" link.
➂Enter the e-mail address (required) and name (optional is optional) you want to register, and select the "Reader Registration Application" button.
④When the confirmation screen is displayed, select the "Apply" button, and this service will send an e-mail with the URL for reader registration.
➄Access the URL provided in the confirmation email of the mailing list reader registration application, and select the "Apply" button.
⑥A registration cancellation completion email will be sent to the e-mail address that you have unregistered.
Now the reader registration is complete. (external site)
Access to it.
➁Select the "Unsubscribe" link from the left menu.
➂When the screen for entering your e-mail address is displayed, enter the e-mail address you want to register and select the "Register Reader Registration Unsubscribe" button.
④When the confirmation screen is displayed, select the "Apply" button, an e-mail with the URL for unregistering reader registration will be sent from this service.
➄Access the URL described in the email list registration cancellation guide email and select the "Apply" button.
⑥A registration cancellation completion email will be sent to the e-mail address that you have unregistered.
This is the completion of the reader registration.

Safety and Security Logo

In order to make Aoba Ward a safe and secure city, we must use the "Aoba Ward Crime Incident Information Email" at home and in the community to raise awareness of anti-crime program and to prevent anti-crime programanti-crime program.

[Inquiry] Aoba Ward Office, Regional Promotion Division Phone 978-2299 FAX 978-2413

For inquiries to this page

Aoba Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-978-2291

Phone: 045-978-2291

Fax: 045-978-2413

Email address:

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Page ID: 167-362-379

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