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Here's the text.

Concluded a comprehensive partnership agreement with Soji Gakuen Tsurumi University.

Last Updated March 11, 2020

Date and time Tuesday, July 29, 2014 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm
[Place] 2nd meeting room on the 3rd floor of Tsurumi University Hall (3-18 Toyooka-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama)

Signing ceremony

Signing ceremony

[Conclusion Ceremony]
At the signing ceremony, Tsurumi Ward's mascot "wakkun" and Tsurumi University mascots "Tsurumin" and Tsurumi University's mascots "Tsurumin" rushed to the ceremony. Regarding the conclusion of this agreement, President Ito of Soji Gakuen Tsurumi University, said, "The university's mission can be fulfilled only by contributing to the community. We would like to cooperate to create a livable Tsurumi. "In response, Tsurumi Ward Mayor Soya said, "We will enhance and strengthen mutual cooperation in a wide range of fields and work together to realize a more livable Tsurumi Ward. "

[Future Outlook]
We will make the most of the intellectual, human, and material resources of both parties to further enhance and strengthen mutual cooperation, and promote new collaborations in various businesses.

For inquiries to this page

Tsurumi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Phone: 045-510-1676

Phone: 045-510-1676

Fax: 045-504-7102

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Page ID: 897-331-965

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