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FY2020 Totsuka Ward Management Policy

Last Updated May 12, 2020

We have formulated the Totsuka Ward Management Policy for FY2020.

We have formulated the Totsuka Ward Management Policy for FY2020, which outlines Totsuka Ward's basic goals and initiatives to achieve them. I would like to introduce the details.

Basic goals

A smile that leads to a rich heart

Efforts to Achieve Targets

・We will collaborate and collaborate with various actors and related organizations such as local people, organizations, companies, universities, and other related organizations so that everyone involved in living, learning, working, visiting, and creating a town full of smiles and smiles.

・This year is the year in which the “4th Totsuka Heart Plan (Totsuka Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan)” is being formulated. In addition to the welfare and health fields, we aim to create a town where everyone can live richly while actively supporting a wide range of local initiatives such as disaster prevention, reduce disaster damage, anti-crime program, schools, homes and communities, and making friends through hobbies and theme activities.

Management Policy PDF version

The Totsuka Ward Management Policy for FY2020 is viewed and distributed at Ward Administration Promotion Division, window 93 on the 9th floor of the Totsuka Ward Office.

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Inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Telephone: 045-866-8321

Phone: 045-866-8321

Fax: 045-862-3054

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Page ID: 340-146-255

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