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Totsuka Ward Local Network Watching Business

Last update date April 1, 2024

"The delivery remains in the mailbox and the front door."
"Don't dress out of season,"
"I'm sick, but is it okay?"
"I heard the same thing during this time."
"I haven't seen them recently, but what's the matter?"

If you notice such a "somewhat worrisome" in the area, please contact the Community Care Plaza or the ward office. (Contact information for community care plaza and ward office

Outline of Business

Mimamori Net is a mechanism for contacting a community care plaza or a ward office when a local person or a private company (watching cooperating company) notices an elderly person who is "a little worried" and leads to consultation and support. is.
The Community Care Plaza and the ward office will work together to enhance the "gentle watching" system throughout the region so that elderly people can continue living with peace of mind without being isolated in the area.

What kind of person do you need to watch?

In a nutshell, it is "people who tend to be isolated in the community." For example, elderly people living alone, households with only the elderly, those with disabilities, those who care for dementia or bedridden alone, and those who are raising children without consultation around them.

What is a "looking gaze"?

Unlike "watching" and "monitoring", it is to take care of the other person's privacy and watch casually.
No special needs are required. You only have to pay attention to those who need to be watched around you. And if possible, try to be aware of the next step.

Step 1 Call out (calling, greeting)

Step 2 Always care (become a face-to-face relationship, becoming a person to talk, do a little help)

Step 3 Notic (if you notice something unusual, if you think "I'm a little worried about it."…)

Step 4 Connect (Please contact "Community Care Plaza" or "Ward Office". ※Contact information for community care plaza and ward office

If you contact us…

  • The staff of the community care plaza and the ward office will visit and check the situation.
  • We support the elderly and their families so that they can use the necessary services and systems.
  • We will not talk about the person you contact us to unrelated. Please feel free to contact us.

In Mimamori Net, businesses (newspaper stores, post offices, water meter readers, home delivery companies, etc.) who regularly visit homes such as elderly people, and elderly people often drop in and familiar with their faces. Business operators (convenience stores, beauty salons, barber shops, laundry shops, pipe construction companies, residential land and building contractors, etc.) are registered as "watching cooperating companies" and elderly people in their daily work. We are watching slowly.

Please be sure to register as a watch cooperating company!

If you are a company that can agree with the Mimamori Net, please register as a "watching cooperation company"! !
[Flow until registration]

Destination: Elderly and Disabled Support Division Mimamori Net, Totsuka Ward Office, 16-17 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, 244-0003, Japan
※If you call me, we will send you an application form.

  • Within about two weeks after receiving the application form, we will send you a registration certificate and a sticker to be posted at the store!

Introducing the daily watching activities of cooperating companies!

Watching and cooperating companies (PDF: 628KB) (366 companies as of March 12, 2024)

At Mimamori Net, the local Japan National Council of Social Welfare and Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association have registered as "watching cooperation volunteer groups" and watch elderly people slowly in their daily activities.

Please register as a volunteer group for watching over!

Volunteer groups who can agree with Mimamori Net, please register as a "watching cooperation volunteer group"! !
[Flow until registration]

Destination: Elderly and Disabled Support Division Mimamori Net, Totsuka Ward Office, 16-17 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, 244-0003, Japan

※If you call me, we will send you an application form.

  • We will send you a registration certificate within two weeks after receiving the application form!


Community care plaza
NameTarget areasLocationPhone number
Kamiyabe Community Care PlazaTorigaoka, Kamiyabe-cho, part of Yabe-cho (west of JR Line, excluding Neighborhood Associations of the Dance Area Union), part of Totsukamachi (Tozuka Third District Alliance Neighborhood Associations)2342, Kamiyabecho045-811-2442
Higashitotsuka Community Care PlazaAkibacho, Kawakami-cho, Shinano-cho, Elegant, Maetamachi4-4, Kawakamicho045-826-0925
Kami-Kurata Community Care PlazaKamikuratacho, Yoshida-cho, part of Yabe-cho (east side of JR Line), part of Maiokacho (Kamikurata district federation), part of Totsukamachi (Yoshida Yabe district federation)259-11, Kamikuratacho045-865-5700
Gumizawa Community Care Plaza1-chome to 8-chome, a part of Yabe-cho (Neighborhood Associations of the Dancing Districts), a part of Kumizawa Town (excluding Taisho Union Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association), part of Totsukamachi (the Neighborhood Associations)986, Gumizawacho045-861-1727
Hirato Community Care PlazaHiratocho 1-chome to 5-chome, HiratochoHirato 2-33-57, Hirato045-825-3462
Harajuku Community Care PlazaHarajuku 1-chome to 5-chome (excluding Fujimikai), Kosuzumecho, Kagetori-cho, Higashimatanocho, part of Fukaya-cho (Shochikudai Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Associations Harajuku), part of Kumizawa-cho (Neighborhood Associations Harajuku)4-36-1, Harajuku045-854-2291
Maioka Kashio Community Care PlazaKamikashio-cho, Kashio-cho, a part of Maiokacho (excluding the Kami-Kurata District Federation), Minami-Maioka 1-chome to 4-chome3705-10, Maiokacho045-827-0371
Minami Tozuka Community Care PlazaPart of Totsukamachi (Totsuka Daiichi District Union Neighborhood Associations, Tozuka Second District Alliance Neighborhood Associations)2626-13, Totsukamachi045-865-5960
Shimo-Kurata Community Care PlazaShimokuratacho1951-8, Shimokuratacho045-866-2020
Naze Community Care PlazaNasecho791-14, Nasecho045-815-2011
Fukaya Matano Community Care PlazaPart of Fukaya Town (excluding Shochikudai Neighborhood Association and Harajuku Neighborhood Associations), Matanocho and Harajuku 4-chome (Fujimikai)1432-11, Fukadanicho045-851-0121
Totsuka Ward Office
Section nameSection, person in chargePhone number
Elderly and Disabled Support DivisionElderly and Disabled Support Section045-866-8429

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For inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward Health and Welfare Center Elderly and Disabled Support Division

Phone: 045-866-8429

Phone: 045-866-8429

Fax: 045-881-1755

Email address:

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Page ID: 252-267-777

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