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Minami Ward Health Sanitation Division

Last Updated July 2, 2024


2-33, Urafunecho, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi
4th floor of Minami Ward General Government Building

Main Business and Contact Information

Food Sanitation Section

Main Business and Contact Information
Main Business Contact information

Application and consultation for food-related sales
Application for medical worker licenses and medical facilities

Phone number: 045-341-1191
Fax: 045-341-1189
Email address:
Contact: 44th window on the 4th floor

Environmental Sanitation Section

Main Business and Contact Information
Main Business Contact information

Application and consultation for environmental-related sales
Consultation on dogs and cats
Consultation on pests and home hygiene
Consultation on water tank hygiene management

Phone number: 045-341-1192
Fax: 045-341-1189
Email address:
Contact: 43rd window on the 4th floor

For inquiries to this page

Minami Ward Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division

Phone: 045-341-1191

Phone: 045-341-1191

Fax: 045-341-1189

Email address:

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Page ID: 623-719-764

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