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Fiscal 2020 Kanazawa Ward Ward Management Meeting

Last Updated August 20, 2020

2020 1st ward planning management meeting
Date and timeWednesday, April 22, 2020 from 9:55 am to 10:05 am
PlaceMeeting Room No. 1 on the 5th floor of the Kanazawa Ward Office
AttendeesGeneral Manager, Health and Welfare Center, Health and Welfare Center, Public Works Office Kanazawa, Ward Administration Promotion Division, Regional Promotion Division, Health and Welfare Division and others
Details of the proceedings1.Matters to be discussed
Regarding the FY2020 Kanazawa Ward Management Policy (draft)
In the FY2020 Kanazawa Ward Management Policy, discussions were held on “Basic Targets”, “Measures to Achieve Targets”, and “Organizational Management to Achieve Targets”.
2020 Second Ward Management Meeting
Date and time Wednesday, August 19, 2020 from 9:40 am to 10:00 am
Place Special Meeting Room on the 6th floor of the Kanazawa Ward Office
Attendees Health and Welfare Center General Manager, Public Works Office Kanazawa, Ward Administration Promotion Division, Regional Promotion Division, Health and Welfare Division, and others
Details of the proceedings 1.Matters to be discussed
About "ward proposal reflection system"
We discussed "ward proposal reflection system" for budget compilation in 2021.

2020 Third Ward Management Meeting
Date and timeWednesday, January 20, 2021 9:45 am to 10:00 am
PlaceSpecial Meeting Room on the 6th floor of the Kanazawa Ward Office
AttendeesGeneral Manager, Health and Welfare Center, Health and Welfare Center, Public Works Office Kanazawa, Ward Administration Promotion Division, Regional Promotion Division, Health and Welfare Division and others
Details of the proceedings1.Matters to be discussed
About "2021 budget compilation"
Kanazawa Ward deliberated on “FY2021 Budgeting”.

Inquiries to this page

Kanazawa Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Telephone: 045-788-7726

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