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No.2 Kanazawa Festival PR event was held

Last Updated September 28, 2020

Thank you very much for your continued cooperation in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Following the cancellation of this year's Kanazawa Festival Fireworks Festival and Ikiiki Festa due to the effects of the new coronavirus infection, the Kanazawa Festival PR event was held on Saturday, September 19 and Sunday, September 20, with the wish of holding the Kanazawa Festival by all means.
In particular, on the day of the 20th, fireworks were launched with the surprise project with the early convergence of COVID-19 and thanks to medical professionals in the rainy and cold weather, and the great cheers of everyone who came to the venue resonated throughout the venue.
And about 34,424 yen was collected for the donation for the next fiscal year's Kanazawa Festival held at the venue, and I think that we received a lot of feelings for the Kanazawa Festival.
Next year, we hope that the Kanazawa Festival Fireworks Festival and Ikiiki Festa will be held grandly, and that you can enjoy it with the residents of the city.
In addition to the new coronavirus, it is a season when influenza spreads.
Although we cannot predict the future, we look forward to your continued cooperation in preventing the spread of COVID-19 infection.

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