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Information on Izumi Ward Office X (former Twitter)

Last update date September 29, 2023

The Izumi Ward Office has been sending information on X (former Twitter) since September 12, 2011. We will tell about ward administration information, various news, disaster information, emergency information and other information related to Izumi Ward.

X (former Twitter) is a communication service on the Internet that posts and browses short text information of up to 140 characters.

Anyone who has an Internet environment (PC, smartphone, mobile phone, etc.) can read it.

Operational Policy

Operational Policy
Account name@izumi_yokohama (Izumi-ku, Yokohama-shi)
Account URL (external site)
Outline of transmissionWe send ward administration information, various news, disaster information, emergency information and other information related to Izumi Ward
Operational Management OfficerDirector Ward Administration Promotion Division
CallerIzumi Ward Office Staff

As a general rule, it will not be done. However, only the official account of the city and other official accounts of public institutions will follow.

Reply (reply)
Management of

(1) Regarding the presence or absence of replies

This account is managed by Ward Administration Promotion Division, Izumi-ku, Yokohama. In principle, this account does not reply (reply) Opinions and proposals to Yokohama City, including this section, will be accepted in "Proposals from Citizens (".

(2) Response to reply (reply)

In the operation of this account, replies that are not related to the outgoing information or replies (replies) that are determined to fall under the following items may be hidden without notice. In addition, we may report to Company X (formerly Twitter).

(A) Content that violates laws, regulations, etc. or those that may violate laws and regulations
B. Those that violate public order and morals
(C) Political and religious activities
D. Those that promote criminal acts
(E) Those that promote discrimination or discrimination of race, ideas, beliefs, etc.
F. Anything that slanders a particular individual, company, organization, etc., or damages honor or trust
(G) Anything that infringes privacy, such as identifying, disclosing personal information without the consent of the individual
(C) Those that infringes the patent rights, design rights, copyrights, trademark rights, portrait rights, etc. of Motoichi or third parties
(C) Advertising, advertising, solicitation, sales activities, and other profit purposes
A impersonating another user or a third party
(C) Those that are false or significantly different from facts, and those that promote mere rumors and reputation
Comments with the same content that is repeatedly posted by the same user
Programs, etc.
Includes obscene expressions, etc.
(B) A modification of part or all of the contents transmitted by this account
Ta X (former Twitter) Those that seem to violate the Terms of Service
Other information deemed inappropriate by the Yokohama City and links containing these contents.

(3) About block of account

Users who post replies (replies) or quotations that fall under a to (i) above may block their accounts.


(1) Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information transmitted through this account, Yokohama City does not assume any responsibility for any actions taken by the user using the information transmitted through this account.

(2) Yokohama City shall not be liable for any troubles or damages arising between users and third parties caused by the information transmitted through this account.

(3) Yokohama City assumes no responsibility for replies (reply) to this account posted by users.

(4) Yokohama City shall not be liable for any other damages arising in connection with this account.

Changes in Operational PolicyThe operation policy of this account is subject to change without prior notice.
Use start dateSeptember 12, 2011
About termination of account publication

This account may be closed or closed without prior notice.

How to browse

To X Users

When sending information about Izumi Ward, use the hashtags "#Izun" and "#Izumi Ward if you live" to spread information about Izumi Ward.

For inquiries to this page

Izumi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-800-2337

Phone: 045-800-2337

Fax: 045-800-2506

Email address:

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Page ID: 806-741-566

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