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Housing hygiene consultation

Last Updated August 14, 2019

I will advise you on how to live and how to get rid of insects.

  • A newly built or renovated house can cause headaches or feel sick.
  • Tick bites and concerns about tick allergies.
  • There are rats and insects in the house.

 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

There is a lot of danger around the baby


The baby's skin is sensitive. Some clothing is processed using chemicals to prevent wrinkles and shrinkage.
In some cases, formalin may be used to stimulate the baby's skin.
Since formalin is easily soluble in water, wash your clothes before using.
Holmarin is also contained in plywood adhesives such as furniture and cigarette smoke, so be careful when storing clothing.

Accidental eating

Children are a mass of curiosity.
In particular, infants aged 6 to 12 months bring what they see to their mouths.
Be especially careful during busy hours from evening to night.
Things that adults eat, such as cigarettes and medicines, are dangerous.

Inquiries to this page

Isogo Ward Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division

Telephone: 045-750-2452

Telephone: 045-750-2452

Fax: 045-750-2548

Email address:

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Page ID: 136-239-195

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