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Let's go out with children! Let's play!

Last update date December 15, 2023

Isogo-Akachan classroom

Contact: 750-2448、2449
We hold meetings of babies and mothers in nine districts in the city, including the local neighborhood hall.
The subject is pregnant and mothers with children up to 1 year old. We look forward to your participation.
Click here for the venue name and schedule.

Isopiyo, a support base for child care in the Isogo Ward area

Contact: Local child care support base "Isopiyo" 750-1322
The local child care support base is a base for child care support that provides a space for preschool children and their parents to play and interact, provides child care consultation, and provides child care information. is. In addition, we hold workshops for those involved in child care support in the community.
For details, please see the "Isopuyo" homepage (outside site).

Child care circle

Contact: 750-2448、2449
There are many child care circles in the city.
Detailed activities can be viewed on the homepage of the local child care support base "Isopiyo".
Please see "Isogo Ward child care information" of "Isopiyo" homepage (outside site)To an external site
Please contact us for the details of each group.

Child care consultation of child care supporter

There are eight district centers and community houses in Isogo Ward.
"How is it?" "How do you give a toy?" Or, child care supporters think together about what they are worried about or worried about raising children, such as "I want to start group activities for raising children." In addition, please feel free to enter and exit during the event.

Venues and Time

Please refer to "Consultation of Child Care Supporters, Information on Isogo Ward Venues"

Cosmos Square (open garden of nursery school)

Higashi-Takigashira Nursery School (Tel: 753-2201)

Every week Tuesday, Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to noon

Yokodai-Daini Nursery School (Childcare Support Center, telephone 831-3959)

<Garden Garden> Every month to Friday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
<Indoor> 10:00 am to 11:00 pm (Waiwai room participants only)

Gathering open space for parents and children

There are five open spaces for parents and children in Isogo Ward.
Gathering open space for parents and children is aimed at parents and children who are raising children in the area (mainly preschoolers and parents aged 0 to 3 years old) in one room of apartment or vacant store in shopping street I am doing.

○Exchange of child care parent and child, provision of gathering place
○Implementation of consultation on child care
○Collection and provision of local child care-related information
○Implementation of courses on child care and child care support

Specifically, please see "open space of gathering of parent and child".

Various other information about child care

Consultation and systems for pregnancy, infancy to adolescents, etc.
Homepage of Yokohama CityTo the site of Yokohama City

※For more information about Vaccinations, please contact Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section (Tel: 750-2445-6).

Inquiries to this page

Isogo Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Telephone: 045-750-2415

Telephone: 045-750-2415

Fax: 045-750-2540

Email address:

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Page ID: 829-399-656

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