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  5. Yokohama City Council's Personal Information Protection System

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Yokohama City Council's Personal Information Protection System

Last Updated September 24, 2024

Yokohama City Council Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Information

History of Establishment

In April 2023, "In order to respond to the increasing use of data beyond the boundaries of the public and private sectors and regions, the imbalances and inconsistencies of old legislation caused by discipline by separate laws and regulations were corrected, and the law on the protection of personal information (hereinafter referred to as the "Protection Law") was revised with the aim of establishing nationwide common rules necessary for proper handling of personal information, etc. However, under the Protection Act, the parliament of local governments is not subject to the law because it is desirable that personal information be protected under an autonomous response, as in the Diet and courts. In addition, the ordinance on the protection of Yokohama City personal information (hereinafter referred to as the "city ordinance"), which stipulates matters delegated by the law to the ordinance, is also excluded from the application.
Therefore, the Yokohama City Council Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the "City Counsil Ordinance") stipulates the handling of personal information in this City Counsil. This was enacted on April 1, 2023.

Overview of the City Counsil Ordinance

In order to ensure that there is no difference in the proper handling of personal information between City Counsil and the city,City Counsil is based on theCity Counsil's own rules and regulations.

Main matters different from the rules of the City Council and the provisions of the law

Definition of retained personal information (Article 2, Paragraph 4)
  • Personal information created and acquired by City Council Bureau employees on duty is provided by City Counsil to be used systematically by employees. (Personal information created and obtained by members of the Diet for their duties is not included.)
Response to disclosure decisions, etc. when both the chair and vice-chair are missing (Article 27, Paragraph 2, Article 38, Paragraph 2, Article 45, Paragraph 2)
  • If there is a request for disclosure of personal information held by City Counsil, the disclosure decision must be made within the specified period. This disclosure decision is to be approved by the chair (the vice-chair if the chair has an accident). Therefore, if there is a period during which both the chair and vice-chair are missing due to the expiration of the term of office or the dissolution of the parliament, etc., it is not possible to make a decision on disclosure, etc. It is stipulated that it is not included in the period that must be done.
Penalties (fines) (Article 59)
  • The Protection Law (the handling of the city) stipulates that "100,000 yen or less", but in Article 14, Paragraph 3 of the Local Autonomy Law, the upper limit of fines that can be stipulated in the ordinance is 50,000 yen, so the City Counsil Ordinance stipulates that "50,000 yen or less."
System for providing anonymously processed information by government agencies
  • The Protection Law (handling of the city) stipulates an anonymous processing information system, and among the personal information files held by the city, those that may be provided after anonymous processing are regularly recruited for utilization proposals. Mandatory. This system is not stipulated because it is not expected to be operated in City Counsil.

Ordinances and Regulations

Yokohama City Council Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Information (Yokohama City Ordinance No. 6 of February 2023) (outside site)
Yokohama City Council Regulations on the Protection of Personal Information (Yokohama City Council Regulations No. 2 of March 2023) (external site)


About Yokohama-shi personal information protection system (Civic Affairs Bureau citizen information section)
About the Personal Information Protection Law, etc. (outside site) (National Personal Information Protection Commission website)

Personal Information Protection System

Yokohama City Council Personal Information Handling Special Notes

Yokohama City Council has decided to exchange "Yokohama City Council Personal Information Handling Special Notes" when the trustee handles personal information in "consignment business" such as outsourcing or collaborative business, and is working to protect personal information by obliging the trustee to submit training reports on personal information.

Forms, etc.


Yokohama City Council Personal Information Handling Special Notes (April 2023) (Word: 18KB)
Safety Management Measures Report (No. 1 style) (Word: 26KB)
Training implementation report, written oath (second style) (word: 19KB)
Training implementation statement (No. 2 style attachment) (word: 15KB)


Yokohama City Council Personal Information Handling Special Notes (April 2023) (PDF: 227KB)
Safety Management Measures Report (No. 1 style) (PDF: 226KB)
Training implementation report, written oath (second style) (PDF: 150KB)
Training Implementation Statement (No. 2 style attachment) (PDF: 87KB)

Implementation status of the Personal Information Protection System

In accordance with the provisions of Article 53 of the City Counsil Ordinance, an overview of the enforcement of this Ordinance is made every year.
・Status of enforcement in FY2023 
 “Yokohama City Council Personal Information Protection 2023 Enforcement Status Report” (PDF: 464KB)

Consultation desk regarding the handling of personal information in Yokohama City Council

City Council Bureau General Affairs Division
Telephone: 045-671-3041
FAX: 045-681-7388
Reception hours: 8: 45-12: 00, 13: 00-17: 00 (excluding weekends, holidays and the year-end and New Year holidays)
e-mail: gi-somu@city.yokohama.jp

Personal Information Consultation Service in Yokohama City (excluding Yokohama City Council) (Civic Affairs Bureau Citizen Information Division)

National consultation counter (outside site) (Personal Information Protection Committee website)

Requests for disclosure of retained personal information, etc.

What is a request for disclosure of retained personal information?

Regarding personal information held by Yokohama City Council, the Yokohama City Council Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Information stipulates the following mechanisms for personal involvement. Please fill out the prescribed invoice with required items and submit it to the reception desk.
※For details, please refer to the description of each item.
You will need to present your identity verification documents (driver's license, employee health insurance insured card, personal number card (front side only), etc.) to confirm your identity.

You can also charge by proxy/agent. In this case, the following documents are required to prove that you are proxy/agent:

  • In the case of a minor's request by legal representative, a copy of the family register and identification documents of the person coming to the counter.
  • In the case of a request by a guardian attached to an adult ward, etc., a certificate of entry for the adult guardianship and identification documents of the person coming to the counter.
  • In the case of a request by a person who has been granted the right of representation regarding a request for disclosure of retained personal information, etc. by delegation from the principal, a power of attorney, identification documents of the principal pertaining to the request, etc., and identification documents of the person coming to the counter

Identity verification documents will be confirmed by presenting the original document. In the case of a copy, it is necessary to present multiple types of identification documents.

Procedures by mail are also possible. In this case, it is necessary to submit a copy of multiple types of identity verification materials.

Information disclosure reception desk

We accept at Civic Affairs Bureau citizen information center and each ward office.
※City Council Bureau Secretary and Public Relations Division accepts requests for disclosure of personal information held by Yokohama City Council.

Request for disclosure of retained personal information

Anyone may request disclosure of personal information held by Yokohama City Council. Chairman Yokohama City Council shall decide whether to disclose within 30 days from the date of the request and notify the requester of the details.
The following information may not be disclosed.

  • Information that may harm the life, health, life or property of the individual by disclosing
  • Personal information other than the principal, which may identify a specific individual by disclosure or harm the rights and interests of the individual.
  • Information that may harm the rights, competitive position, and other legitimate interests of corporations, etc.
  • Information on deliberations, examinations, or consultations inside or between cities and countries, etc., and disclosure may unfairly impair frank exchange of opinions or unfairly benefit or disadvantage specific persons Information that may
  • Information that may hinder the proper execution of office work performed by cities and countries by disclosing information

Forms, etc.


Retained Personal Information Disclosure Request (word: 24KB)
Power of Attorney Model of Retained Personal Information Disclosure Request (word: 13KB)
Withdrawal form template 1 (word: 15KB)
Withdrawal form template 2 (word: 15KB) (Please attach a copy of the request for disclosure of retained personal information as a separate sheet.)
※For the template of the withdrawal form, use either 1 or 2.


Retained Personal Information Disclosure Request (PDF: 206KB)
Power of Attorney for Disclosure of Retained Personal Information (PDF: 88KB)
Withdrawal Form 1 (PDF: 88KB)
Withdrawal form template 2 (PDF: 88KB) (Please attach a copy of the request for disclosure of retained personal information as a separate sheet.)
※For the template of the withdrawal form, use either 1 or 2.

Request for correction

If there is an error in the retained personal information disclosed by a request for disclosure of the retained personal information, you can request correction, addition or deletion within 90 days from the date of the disclosure.

Chairman Yokohama City Council shall decide whether to make corrections within thirty days from the date of the request and notify the requester of the details.

※The request for correction must be submitted with required items.



Request for correction of retained personal information (word: 23KB)


Request for correction of retained personal information (PDF: 114KB)

Request for suspension of use

If the retained personal information disclosed by a request for disclosure of retained personal information is illegally acquired, retained, used, or provided, suspension of use or provision within 90 days from the date of disclosure Or you can request erasure.

Chairman Yokohama City Council will decide whether to suspend use within 30 days from the date of request and notify the claimant of the details.



Request for suspension of use of retained personal information (word: 23KB)


Request for suspension of use of retained personal information (PDF: 113KB)


It is free of charge.

If you are requested to receive a copy, you will be charged a fee in the same way as the information disclosure system.

List of fees required for making copies (PDF: 149KB)

If you are dissatisfied with your decision

If you are dissatisfied with Chairman Yokohama City Council's decision on a request for disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of retained personal information, you may request an examination based on the Administrative Appeals Examination Act as in the information disclosure system.


Yokohama City Council Examination Standards for Disposal based on the Ordinance on the Protection of Personal Information (PDF: 335KB)

Request for disclosure of retained personal information to The Mayor of Yokohama, etc. (Civic Affairs Bureau Citizen Information Division)

Inquiries regarding requests for disclosure of personal information held by Yokohama City Council

Secretary and Public Relations Division, City Council Bureau
Telephone: 045-671-3040
FAX: 045-681-7388
e-mail: gi-hisyokoho@city.yokohama.jp

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Inquiries to this page

City Council Bureau City Counsil Office, General Affairs Division

Telephone: 045-671-3041

Telephone: 045-671-3041

Fax: 045-681-7388

Email address: gi-somu@city.yokohama.jp

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