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Let's be careful about heat stroke

Last Updated March 1, 2024

What is heat stroke?

Heat stroke is when you sweat a lot and lose the balance of water and salt in the body, lose the body's body temperature, lose control of body temperature, and become sick. As the temperature and humidity increase, more people suffer from heat stroke.
Typical symptoms of heat stroke include sluggishness, dizziness, headache, heavy sweating, and nausea.
It is severe if you have high body temperature, convulsions, or impaired consciousness. It can be life-threatening. Please consult a medical institution immediately.

Prevention of heat stroke

Avoid heat

  • When you go out, avoid direct sunlight and use parasols and hats. Sweat and wear clothes with good breathability materials.
  • When you are indoors, use a fan or air conditioner to manage the temperature and humidity. Avoid direct sunlight entering through windows with curtains and blinds.

Take water and salt

  • Even if you don't feel thirsty, drink water frequently.
  • If you sweat a lot, take water and salt with sports drinks.

Build a body that prepares for the heat

  • Sweat with moderate exercise. Before exercising, replenish water and salt.
  • If you are ill, such as lack of sleep, hangover, or cold, you are more likely to suffer from heat stroke, so be careful about your physical condition management.

When you suffer from heat stroke (first aid measures)

  1. Evacuate to shade or cool places with air conditioning
  2. Take off your clothes to release heat, or cool your body to lower your body temperature.
  3. Take water and salt (If you cannot hydrate on your own, transport it to a medical institution immediately)

Be careful

  • About half of heat stroke patients are older than 65 years old. Elderly people are more susceptible to heat stroke because they are less likely to feel heat and thirst. In addition, symptoms tend to be severe when suffering from heat stroke.
  • Children are more susceptible to heat stroke because their thermoregulatory function is not fully developed.
  • Be careful because some children and people with disabilities have difficulty complaining of poor physical condition.
Contact information
Contents Contact information
Thing about heat stroke

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Promotion Division (*Japanese only)
Telephone: 045-671-2451
Fax: 045-663-4469
Email address:

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