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About influenza (seasonal influenza)

Last Updated March 3, 2021

What is influenza (seasonal influenza)?

  • It is an acute respiratory infection caused by infection with influenza virus. In Japan, there is a big trend every winter.
  • Infection with the influenza virus causes symptoms such as sudden fever, cough, headache, and fatigue. It recovers in one to two weeks, but some may become severe. In severe cases, complications such as otitis media, pneumonia, and myocarditis may occur, sequelae may remain, or death may occur.
  • Infants, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with reduced immunity are particularly susceptible to the disease, so it is important to prevent them from getting the flu.

To prevent influenza (points of prevention)

Don't get the flu!

  • Use soap to wash your hands frequently※
  • Avoid crowds
  • Make sure you have enough sleep and a well-balanced diet to improve your immunity.
  • Receive vaccinations (for those over 65 years old)Elderly Influenza Vaccinations BusinessPlease take a look at it.

※By touching various places, viruses etc. are attached to your hands without your knowledge. In particular, wash your hands with soap when returning home, before and after cooking, before meals, etc.
Don't spread the flu!

  • Protect cough etiquette※
  • If you feel sick, take a rest without overdoing it.
  • If it develops, rest slowly for about a week and avoid contact with people.

※Use a mask or handkerchief to keep your mouth and nose from spreading to others with your cough or sneezing droplets.
Don't get rid of the flu!

  • If you have unusual symptoms, consult a medical institution as soon as possible.
  • People with chronic illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease should consult with family doctor as soon as possible.
  • Sign of severe illness ※If you have any questions, consult a medical institution immediately.

※It's hard to breathe, fast. High fever continues. My head hurts. Once recovered, the fever and cough become severe. The reaction is slow even when I talk to you. I'm worried about it.

If you get flu (points of medical treatment)

  • Even if the symptoms subside, take the medicine as prescribed by the medical institution.
  • Record fever and symptoms every day, and consult a medical institution as soon as there is a sign of illness.
  • Keep hydration, nutrition, adequate sleep and frequent ventilation.
  • Keep cough etiquette and rest well
  • Those who care should wear a mask and wash their hands thoroughly.
Contact information
Contents Contact information
About influenza (seasonal influenza)

Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Division (*Japanese only)
Telephone: 045-671-2445
Fax: 045-664-7296
Email address:

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