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About HIV / syphilis test

Last update date April 1, 2024

In Yokohama City, HIV and syphilis tests (free and anonymous) are conducted at Health and Welfare Center and other cities in each ward.

  • For details on the venue, time, reservation method, etc., please see the list of inspection venues.
  • Inspection may be canceled, so please check by phone or other means.
  • The results of the ward Health and Welfare Center night inspection will be notified directly to the person one to two weeks in principle. Please confirm the schedule of the result explanation at the time of inspection.
  • For more information, please click here.⇒ List of inspection venues, inspection outlines, announcements, etc. (PDF: 360KB)


  • HIV / syphilis tests are conducted at the night inspection site in Health and Welfare Center, ward. We do not carry out syphilis tests only.
  • HIV may not produce accurate test results unless more than 3 months have passed since the chance of infection and syphilis for more than 6 weeks have passed.
  • Certificates cannot be issued.
  • The test results will be explained directly to the person himself, so please come (we cannot notify you by telephone, mail, e-mail, etc.).
  • Test results will not be announced to anyone other than the person.
  • It may be canceled due to the spread of infectious diseases or stormy weather.
  • If you feel unwell, such as fever or cough, please refrain from visiting the office.
Contact information
Contents Contact information
About HIV / syphilis test

Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Division (*Japanese only)
Telephone: 045-671-2729
Fax: 045-664-7296
Email address:

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