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Beware of special fraud

Last update date February 15, 2021

Special fraud

Special fraud is a scam that tricks a large amount of money by making a lie such as "a cash card is being used illegally," "there is a refund of insurance premiums," or "family debt."
If you don't know talk about money over the phone, please consult the police, ward office, family, etc.

Specific examples of fraud

"Scams that deceive cash cards"
After lying that you have to renew your cash card and deceive your cash card, your money will be withdrawn.
"Oreoleores fraud"
Pretend to be a family member and make a phone call and transfer money to the criminal's account. Cash may be sent by courier service, or the criminal may come to your home to receive money.
"Refund fraud"
Lie to the ward office staff and say that there is a refund procedure for insurance premiums, and have them transfer from ATMs.
"fictitious billing fraud"
You have to pay for what you don't buy.

Be careful not to suffer damage

  • Set your home phone as an answering machine at all times, check the message before taking the call. I don't take a call from a number I don't know.
  • Suddenly, if a stranger calls me and asks you to make a cash transfer, suspect fraud. Don't transfer money immediately or hand money to anyone other than your family.
  • Police officers and ward office staff will never keep cash cards. Please don't give me your cash card or give me your PIN.
  • Talk about fraud with your family and decide on how to call and password in advance.
  • medical expenses in Yokohama City, the refund (refund) procedure for insurance premiums, never ask ATM operations.
Contact information
Contents Contact information
Thing about special fraud

anti-crime program Support Section, Civic Affairs Bureau Regional Support Department (* Japanese only)
Phone: 045-671-3705
Fax: 045-664-0734
Email address:

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