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If you are in trouble because of a disaster on the go

Last Updated March 1, 2023

When it is difficult to return home from outside

When a large earthquake occurs, do not start moving unnecessarily

After a disaster, roads and areas around stations may be very crowded and injuries and accidents may occur. In addition, congestion of roads may hinder emergency measures such as rescue and lifesaving activities, fire fighting activities, and emergency transportation activities.
When a large earthquake occurs, do not start moving unnecessarily, but temporarily wait in a safe place such as a business office to protect yourself. .
Businesses should try to maintain a system to control simultaneous return and stock up on food so that employees and users can stay in the facility.

If it becomes difficult to return home

Be prepared to stay at work so that you don't have to forcibly return home. Prepare homecoming goods (maps, food, drinking water, shoes, etc.) in the locker room at work in case you have to return home. Also, check the return route and train to walk home. Let's discuss communication methods and meeting places with family members.

About use of homecoming support station at the time of disaster

In the event of a major earthquake, convenience stores and gas stations will support returning home on foot.
There is provision of tap water and toilets, provision of rest areas, provision of road information based on maps and radios, etc., and anyone can use it.

About the use of temporary accommodation facilities in people unable to return home

Yokohama City has designated temporary accommodation facilities in people unable to return home.
At temporary accommodation facilities, in addition to rest areas, toilets, tap water, and information can be provided to the extent possible, and anyone can use it.
In addition, you can search for nearby facilities using "Temporary Stay Facility NAVI".

The QR code is displayed.

When the phone is not connected on the go

In the event of a major earthquake, there are services that can be used to quickly obtain information such as the safety of family members.

Disaster Message Dial

This is a message board for affected areas to safety confirmation by telephone.

Recording method

  1. Enter “171”
  2. Enter "1"
  3. Input Phone number from affected areas
  4. Enter "1"
  5. Recording (within 30 seconds)
  6. Enter “9”

[Replay method]

  1. Enter “171”
  2. Enter "2"
  3. Input Phone number from affected areas
  4. Enter "1"
  5. Regeneration

For detailed operation explanations, please see the NTT East website (outside site).

Disaster message version (Web171)

This is a message board for safety confirmation in affected areas using the Internet.
It can be used on the NTT East website (outside site).

Contact information
Contents Contact information

When it is difficult to return home

What to do when the phone is not connected

General Affairs Bureau Regional Disaster Prevention Section (* Japanese only)
Telephone: 045-671-3456
Fax: 045-641-1677
Email address:

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Page ID: 479-725-560