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Emergency call

Last Updated January 25, 2024

No. 110 (Incidents and Accidents)

If you have an incident or accident, please calm down and contact 110 (police).

  • Area code (045) is not required.
  • You can call from a mobile phone, public phone, or landline phone.
  • If you have any problems around you, please consult your local "Koban" (police box).

Kanagawa Prefectural Police website (outside site)

Beware of crimes that occur close to you

Measures to avoid snatching damage

  • Hold the bag on the other side of the road (hold it on the building side).
  • A net is attached to the bicycle basket.

Measures to prevent theft of bicycles and motorcycles

  • Multiple (two or more) lock the bicycle.
  • Do not leave it on the street, but park in a designated place, such as bicycle parking lots where caretaker is located.

Measures to prevent intrusion into the house and cause theft

  • Tighten the door for a while, such as taking out trash
  • Even on the veranda above the second floor, be sure to lock the window key.
  • Installation of anti-crime program equipment such as security camera is also effective.

Measures to prevent damage from molestation

  • At night, use a bright and crowded road even in detours.
  • Stop walking while listening to music with your smartphone or listening to music because it is difficult to understand the surrounding noise and situation around you.

Measures to Prevent Fraud

  • Set your home phone as an answering machine and do not answer the call until the message is played.
  • If you talk about money over the phone, immediately consult with people around you or call the nearest police department or ward office.
  • Ignore even if you receive a postcard or email that you have never used.

Kanagawa Prefectural Police homepage (outside site)

How to dial 119

What is 119th?

119 is the Phone number for contacting a nearby fire department in case of emergency. Call when you find a fire or disaster, call when you need an ambulance.
Even if you can't speak Japanese, you will be able to connect the interpreter service and listen to the contents by a three-way caller (you), fire department (119), and interpreter.
(Supported languages are English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish.)
Call 119 and call a fire engine or ambulance does not cost money.

Call 119 from landline phones and public telephones

When reporting, be calm slowly and answer the staff's questions clearly.

Example of report

[You] dial 119
[Corporate] This is the 119th fire department. Is it a fire or an emergency?
[You] It's fire! (It's an emergency!)
[Personnel] Where is the Address (location) where the fire engine (ambulance) goes?
(Please tell me the name of the apartment and the apartment.)
[You] This is a house called XX ward XX town XX chome ○ address XX (XX apartment XX room) XX.
[Corporate] What's burning? (Who did you do?)
※You may also hear the consciousness, conversation, breathing, walking, walking, etc. of injured or ill, so please answer easily.
[Corporate] Could you tell me your name and the number of your phone?
[Amount] A fire engine (ambulance) goes.

I ask you

  • Unlock your house and wait before the ambulance arrives.
  • When making a 119 call, we may ask you some of the necessary information to the fire brigade (emergency squad), but please answer as much as you can understand.
  • If possible, go outside and ask for guidance when you hear the siren.
  • If you need an ambulance, the questions you ask are to have emergency services that match the condition of the injured or ill.

Call 119 from mobile phones

When making a 119 call from a mobile phone, the method of making a call is the same as a report from a landline or public telephone, but please be aware of the following requests.

I ask you

  • Unlock your house and wait before the ambulance arrives.
  • If the radio wave condition is poor, please report it from a landline or public telephone.
  • Please do not report when you are driving a car. Please park in a safe place before reporting.
  • Please check the Address where the disaster occurred before reporting. (If you do not know the correct Address or you are outside, ask a nearby person about the correct Address, or tell me the target intersection, bus stop, shops, large buildings, public facilities, etc.)
  • Depending on the radio wave conditions and the location of the report, you may not be able to receive a report in City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau. In case of fire or emergency services in YokohamaCity of Yokohama, Fire Bureau, please cooperate to inform Address from Yokohama City in case of fire or emergency services.

If you can't hear or cannot speak, how to call 119

There are three ways to call 119 if you can't call because you cannot hear or hear a voice.

  • Net119 Emergency Call System
  • FAX 119
  • Telephone relay service

Net119 Emergency Call System

The Net119 Emergency Call System calls an ambulance or fire engine from a mobile terminal such as a smartphone for those who live, work, or attend school in Yokohama and who have difficulty making a 119 call by voice. It is a system that can do it.

Main Features of Net119
  1. You can easily select it simply by tapping the report content (emergency / fire).
  2. The GPS function allows the fire department to quickly identify the location even on the go.
  3. The chat function enables smooth communication.
Registration method

First of all, please check the Net119 Emergency Call System Terms of Service.

Preparation before registration work

  1. Be sure to register smartphones, tablets, and mobile phones from the terminal used for reporting.
  2. Please change the settings so that you can receive mail from the domains of "@" and "".
  3. Please enable the GPS function.

If you are using a smartphone or tablet

Please read the following QR code and send an email.

QR code (small)

If the QR code cannot be read, send it to the email address.
Please fill in the form directly and send the email.

Registration Procedure, Reporting Procedures, and Settings

FAX 119

This is a method of calling 119 by fax. The fax number is "119" and the same as the phone.
Please send the report by writing the necessary information such as Address and the name of the place where the ambulance / fire engine is heading, the age, gender, and current condition of the sick person. If you write a place that can be written in advance, such as Address, on the fax report form, you can report it promptly.

FAX 119 Report Form

If you call by fax 119, please do the following:

  • Unlock your house and wait before the ambulance arrives.
  • When you receive a fax in the command room, you will reply that you received it.
  • If there is no reply fax from the command room, send it again or show the fax paper to a nearby person.

FAX 119 can be used only by fax transmission from "Yokohama City". Please check with each municipality for usage outside of Yokohama City.

Telephone relay service

The telephone relay service is a service that allows people who are deaf or have difficulty speaking can communicate their intentions to the other party by making a phone call through a sign language interpreter operator.
From July 1, 2021, we have been able to respond to emergency calls (110, 119, 118) in addition to calling out to the public.
Procedure to make a 119 call via a telephone relay service
1.Launch the app and log in.
2.Tap the emergency call button and select "119 (Fire / Emergency)". (or dial "119")
3.Inform the interpreter operator of the requested location. (The fire department that connects telephone calls differs depending on the location of the request.) Be sure to tell the "Request location" first.
※"Requesting place" is the place where you want to come to a fire engine or ambulance.
4.When the interpreter operator and the fire department are connected to the phone, talk to the firefighter through the interpreter. (We will check the location and listen to the situation. Please answer calmly.)
5.Tap "End" when the call is over.
For more information on the phone relay service, please visit the following website.
Organization designated by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications
Nippon Foundation Telephone Relay Service (external site) (external site) (external site)

Contact information
Contents Contact information
anti-crime program

anti-crime program Support Section, Civic Affairs Bureau Regional Support Department (* Japanese only)
Phone: 045-671-3705
Fax: 045-664-0734
Email address:

Thing about 119

Command Section of the Fire Bureau Police Department (*Japanese only)
Phone: 045-334-6412
Fax: 045-334-6720
Email address:

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