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Job introduction video

Last Updated January 14, 2022

Transportation Bureau's attractiveness, ease of working and rewarding work

Bus crew

The staff hired in the bus crew training course will talk about the attractiveness and rewarding of work.

Bus maintenance staff

We will tell you about the work and the atmosphere of the site of the bus maintenance staff who maintains about 800 cars a year.

Two staff members engaged in maintenance work at the sales office will talk about the attractiveness and value of the work.

Subway transportation staff

The staff who has been hired as a subway transportation staff and is currently working as a driver after the experience of a station clerk, will talk about the attractiveness and value of work.

Subway Maintenance Engineer

The City of Yokohama, Transportation Bureau employs subway maintenance technicians.
[Mechanical Vehicles (Machine)] [Building Equipment (Maintenance)] It is divided into four types of jobs.
On behalf of each occupation, four staff members of the same period will talk about the attractiveness and value of work in a roundtable discussion format.

We will tell you about the atmosphere of the site and the value of work of subway maintenance technicians who support subway operation.

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