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About rats

Last Updated December 23, 2024

Rats can transmit food poisoning bacteria such as Salmonella and infectious diseases such as leptspirasis, and can cause fires by biting pipes and wires in homes, so it is important not to invade homes.

Weight 300g, body length 22-25cm, tail shorter than body length


  • Length: 22~25㎝
  • Weight: 300g

Main Place of Living: The length of underfloor, underground sewage, and stone wall tail: Shorter than body length

  • I'm good at swimming.
  • My ears and eyes are small
  • Relatively strong against cold
  • I like animal food

200g in weight, 18-22cm in length, longer tail than body length


  • Length: 22~25㎝
  • Weight: 300g

Main Place of Living: The length of the tail of the duct behind the ceiling: Longer than body length

  • The ears and eyes are large
  • Highly alert and high learning ability
  • Sensitive to cold
  • I prefer plant-based food (cereals, seeds, etc.)

Weight 15-20g, body length 6-10cm, body length and tail are about the same length.


  • Length: 6~10㎝
  • Weight: 15~20g

Main Place of Living: Length of houses, agricultural land, and rural tails: As long as he is

  • The body is well balanced
  • It has a small body and is also sold at pet shops.

Extermination of rats

Health and Welfare Center doesn't get rid of it.
Please check the extermination company by yourself on the Internet etc. However, if you do not know the extermination company yourself and wish to provide guidance, we will guide you to the following association as an example.
The extermination fee will be borne by you, so please check carefully before requesting, such as taking an estimate in advance.

Oh An example <Kanagawa Pest Control Association>
It is a public interest incorporated association made up of specialized companies that control harmful rats and insects.
Phone number: 0120-064-643 (limited to landline telephones in Kanagawa Prefecture), 045-681-8585
Fax: 045-681-9502
Reception hours: Weekdays (Mon-Fri) 9:00-17:00
Homepage: (external site)

Points to get rid of rats by themselves

It is a video that summarizes how to get rid of rats and how to prevent invasion.

Video of mouse control (outside site)
Extermination (1 minute video)

Intrusion prevention (40 seconds video)

In order to reduce rats, it is important to first create an environment where rats are difficult to live.

  1. Be sure to put food in containers and cupboards, put garbage in containers with lids, and clean up those that are likely to feed on rats.
  2. Let's clean up what is likely to be the material of the nest.
  3. If there is a hole of 2 to 3 cm, such as a ventilation opening under the floor, a gap in the door pocket, or a gap in the eaves behind the roof, you can enter. Use wire mesh, board, putty, etc. to block the entrance to the building.

There are two ways to control rats: a method of capturing with an adhesive sheet or a method of capturing by a basket.

  1. Rats have the habit of walking along the corner, so install the adhesive sheet near the wall. Also, install it around the nest or near the entrance. If there is no effect, let's change the placement method.
  2. When capturing using a basket, keep it on a shaft near a rat's path for at least 3 days. We rent rat traps (capture baskets) in Health Sanitation Division.

Lending of rat traps (capture baskets)

How to rent a rat trap (capture basket)

We lend a mouse trap (capture basket) to those who live in Kohoku Ward, where rats have invaded their homes and are in trouble. Please apply for rental [Kohoku Ward limited] about rental application of mouse catcher (outside site).

Photo of rat trap
Photo of a rat trap

How to use the mouse trap (capture basket) is summarized in a video (outside site).

How to use captured baskets (about 2 minutes)

What is a rat sign?

The evidence that there is a mouse is called a rat sign. The passage of the rat is often constant, and the rat shines black due to body fat and dirt attached to the body that prefers beams and columns.
In the passage of the rat, the ground is compacted and glossy. In addition, feces and footprints are also rat signs. With a rat sign, guess the entrance or consider where to place the adhesive sheet or basket.

Inquiries to this page

Kohoku Ward Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division

Telephone: 045-540-2373

Telephone: 045-540-2373

Fax: 045-540-2342

Email address:

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Page ID: 209-838-326

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