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Local power support business

Kohoku Ward supports businesses that challenge local issues! Please connect your ideas and thoughts to your activities, and propose local community development and activities that will energize local residents!

Last Updated May 30, 2024

We raise "local power support business" partnership course (all year) in 2024. ※We will not be able to recruit new students for the challenge course. (Only the subsidy grant business as of 2023 is eligible.)

[Overview of Business]

Kohoku Ward will connect your ideas and thoughts into activities, and support community development and efforts to rejuvenate local residents.
In addition, we have two courses, a “challenge course” and a “partnership course”, depending on the activity results and business content of the organization.

Oh Challenge course (* Recruitment in 2024 is only for the subsidy grant business as of 2023.)
This program is intended for businesses that have a track record of activities.
Up to 300,000 yen. However, independent financial resources of 1/5 or more of the subsidized expenses are required.

Oh Partnership course (use under the name of sponsorship, no subsidy). Applications will be accepted throughout the year.
Activities not in the entire ward, but in certain areas and areas that are narrower, with the support of the Kohoku Ward Office.
※However, please apply at least two months before the project implementation.

※ There are no new recruitment of challenge courses or community-building courses.
  In addition, about 2025, we are examining a new subsidy system.

List of local power support business groups in 2024 (PDF: 183KB)

[Application documents, etc.]

Please download it from this page. → Application form

To further promote and enhance local activities and social activities

(1) Social activity exchange meeting
  Let's spread the activities further through exchanges of community development and activities to make Kohoku Ward healthy.
  Details of "Kohoku Ward Citizens' Activities Exchange Meeting"
(2) Kohoku Ward Residents' Activities Support Center
  We help with public relations and skills improvement of social movement groups.
 Details of Kohoku Ward Residents' Activities Center

[Efforts by the Local Power Support Project]

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For inquiries to this page

Kohoku Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Phone: 045-540-2247

Phone: 045-540-2247

Fax: 045-540-2245

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Page ID: 158-405-831

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