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How to get on the municipal subway

Last Updated July 3, 2024

Entrance of the station building

Entrance of the station building

At the entrance of the municipal subway, there is a symbol sign and a notation of the station name.

Purchase of tickets

Purchase of tickets

Please purchase your ticket at the automatic ticket vending machine.
Automatic ticket vending machines sell regular tickets, coupons, one-day tickets, PASMOs (new release, charge, history print), and commuter passes.
※The new release of PASMO is currently suspended.

Admission at ticket gates

Please enter using the automatic ticket gate as follows at the purchased ticket or PASMO or Suica.
※In addition to PASMO and Suica, you can also board a transportation IC card that is used nationwide.

Automatic ticket gates

Please use the automatic ticket gate with an arrow.
In addition, the pink ticket gate is exclusively for PASMO and Suica, and magnetic tickets cannot be used.

Automatic ticket gates

<magnetic tickets>
Please put your ticket in the entrance.
Please touch the touch part before entering.

Automatic ticket gates

<magnetic tickets>
Please get a ticket and enter.

When the fare is insufficient or the fare is insufficient

If the fare is insufficient or the fare is insufficient, please pay by the following method.
Please note that the payment method differs depending on the ticket you use.

Magnetic Tickets

Please pay at the checkout machine (installed only at some stations), and then pass through the ticket gate with the checkout ticket.
※At stations that do not have a checkout machine, station staff will pay with manned ticket gates.


Payment machines

Charge (payment) in units of 1,000 yen or the shortage in units of 10 yen (payment) at a charge machine or checkout machine (installed only at some stations), and then pass through the ticket gate at PASMO / Suica.


Regular tickets and coupons are collected at the automatic ticket gate at the getting off station. Magnetic commuter passes and one-day tickets come out of the automatic ticket gates, so please do not forget them.


  1. Discount coupons for the physically handicapped during the daytime discount coupons and discount coupons for the physically handicapped on weekends and holidays are valid for three months.
  2. Discount coupons for persons with disabilities can be used from 9:00 to 16:00 on weekdays (gate entrance time) and Saturday, Sunday, public holidays, and from December 30 to January 3 (all day).
  3. Discount coupons for the physically handicapped, etc. can be used on Saturday, Sunday, public holidays, and from December 30 to January 3.
  4. Regular tickets are valid only on the day of sale and cannot be boarded from other than the station where you purchased them.
  5. Regular tickets and coupons will be invalid if you stop on the way.
  6. Admission tickets and round-trip tickets are not available.

Items that can be brought into the car

Goods that can be brought in inside the municipal subway

In addition to bags, sticks, exercise equipment, etc., items that fit within the size specified in the table below, etc.
You can bring it to the municipal subway car for free as a hand item.

About hand items
LengthWithin 2 meters
The sum of the three sidesWithin 250 centimeters
Total weightWithin 30 kilograms
Number of unitsUp to 2 pieces

In addition, the following items are prohibited from bringing in, but can be brought into the car under the following conditions.
However, if the staff determines that it will cause inconvenience to other customers, such as during congestion, you may not be able to board.

  • Bicycle
    What is stored in a special bag. The capacity is as shown in the table above.
  • Surfboard
    It is stored in a special bag with the fin removed. The capacity is as shown in the table above.

Items that cannot be brought into the municipal subway (contrast items are prohibited)

The following items cannot be brought into the municipal subway.

  • Dangerous goods and other items that may pose a danger to passengers.
  • A knife. However, this excludes those packed so as not to cause harm to other passengers.
  • Danro and Konro. However, this excludes those for pocket use or those that are not likely to be used while riding.
  • Corpse
  • An animal. However, small animals such as dogs, cats, birds, etc. can be brought into the car only if the following conditions are met.
    Put it in a container (such as a cage) and do not come out of the container even with the head or part of the body.
    The total weight including the container must be within 20 kilograms
    Do not disturb other customers
    ※The sling type cannot be used even if the whole body is hidden.
    ※In addition, assistance dogs for the physically handicapped (guide dogs, service dogs, hearing dogs) can be accompanied by large dogs. (Only when the display specified in the Service Dog Act for the Disabled is displayed)
  • Items that may cause inconvenience to other passengers due to filthy or odor.
  • Those that may damage the vehicle.

Home door

We have installed a platform door to prevent falls and tactile accidents at home.

  • When boarding, please wait for the passengers who get off.
  • Please don't use the carriage.
  • Do not lean out of the home door or lean on anything.

Women-only cars

Women-only cars

The Blue Line has introduced a women-only car. In addition to female customers, women-only cars can be boarded by elementary school students and younger, disabled people and their caregivers.
We ask for your understanding and cooperation.

Blue line

Blue Line No. 4

  • Implementation time zone
    From the first train on weekdays to 9:00 a.m.
    ※In the event of a disruption in the diamond, the operation of women-only cars may be discontinued.
  • Target sections
    All sections of the Blue Line (Shonandai Station-Azamino Station)
  • Target vehicles
    Car No. 4 (4th car from Shonandai side)

Example of stickers

Stickers are attached to the windows of Car No. 4 and the platform door at the entrance of Car No. 4 at each station.

Yuzuriai sheet

Municipal Subways have set up a `` Yuzuriai Sheet '' that specifically asks for the transfer of seats so that those who truly need seats, such as the elderly, the physically handicapped, and pregnant people, can use it easily. I am.
In the "Yuzuriai Sheet", please give a seat to the elderly, people with physical disabilities, pregnant people, etc.
Also, in places other than the "Yuzuriai Sheet", please give up seats.
There is the following mark on the yuzuriai sheet.

  • The color of the strap is orange
  • The color of the floor is red

Handling of mobile phones

Turn off your mobile phone during congestion.

In the vicinity of the "Yuzuriai Sheet", please turn off the mobile phone during congestion, set it in manner mode inside the car, and refrain from calling.
※Congestion refers to cases where the customer's body is crowded enough to interact with each other.

Maternity mark

Maternity mark

Pregnancy (especially in the early stages) is a very important time not only to grow your baby but also to keep your mother healthy.
If you see a mother with this mark at a station or in the car, please be considerate and aware.
Maternity marks (ball chain type) are distributed to pregnant women in the offices of all 40 municipal subway stations.



It can be treated with an electric shock to a person whose heart suddenly stops.
This AED (automated external defibrillator) is installed on the premises of all municipal subway stations.

For details on the AED installation location at each station, see the station premises map from the station detailed information on each station in the route map.
Municipal Subway route map (outside site)

  1. On the municipal subway line map page, please click the station.
  2. Click the station details information.
  3. The information of the station will be displayed.

Inquiries to this page

Sales Division, Transportation Bureau High Speed Rail Division

Telephone: 045-671-3175

Telephone: 045-671-3175

Fax: 045-550-4181

Email address:

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Page ID: 615-897-145