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  4. News from the Yokohama Assembly
  5. News from Yokohama assembly No.129 2nd regular meeting of 2023

Here's the text.

News from Yokohama assembly No.129 2nd regular meeting of 2023

Last Updated October 11, 2024

PDF versionText versionAudio version

News from Yokohama assembly No.129 The second regular meeting of 2023 (PDF: 1,311KB)

Split version
Number of surfacesItems listed
1 (PDF: 581KB)
  • Yokohama City Council's new term has begun with the citizens.
  • The 2nd regular meeting of City Counsil
  • Outline of the 2nd City Counsil Regular Meeting
  • Major Proposals passed
2 pages (PDF: 394KB)
  • Determination of Chairs and Vice-Chairs
  • Committee composition decision
3 pages (PDF: 457KB)
  • Resolution passed
  • List of pros and cons of each denomination for Proposals
  • Schedule for the 3rd City Counsil Regular Meeting in 2023
  • Congressional Communications
4 pages (PDF: 810KB)
  • Municipal council members elected from each ward

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The text data from the Yokohama Congressional Newsletter from No.109 will be provided CC-BYunder Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) (external site).
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Source: Yokohama City Council "News from Yokohama Congress No. ●"

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News data from Yokohama Congress other than text data (PDF, HTML files, etc.) is not open data.
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We would appreciate it if you could send us an email address (gi-kouhou@city.yokohama.lg.jp) to the Secretary and Public Relations Section of City Council Bureau (gi-kouhou@city.yokohama.lg.jp) to the extent that there is no problem.

Text version
Number of surfacesItems listed
1 (Text file: 2KB)
  • Yokohama City Council's new term has begun with the citizens.
  • The 2nd regular meeting of City Counsil
  • Outline of the 2nd City Counsil Regular Meeting
  • Major Proposals passed
2 (Text file: 13KB)
  • Determination of Chairs and Vice-Chairs
  • Committee composition decision

3 (Text file: 4KB)
List of pros and cons of each denomination for Proposals (CSV: 2KB)

  • Resolution passed
  • List of pros and cons of each denomination for Proposals
  • Schedule for the 3rd City Counsil Regular Meeting in 2023
  • Congressional Communications

4 (Text file: 7KB)

  • Municipal council members elected from each ward

1 side

2 pages

3 pages

4 pages

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Secretary and Public Relations Division, City Counsil City Council Bureau

Telephone: 045-671-3040

Telephone: 045-671-3040

Fax: 045-681-7388

Email address: gi-kouhou@city.yokohama.lg.jp

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