Here's the text.

Committee on Policy / General Affairs / Finance (from May 15, 2015 to May 17, 2016)

Last Updated March 26, 2020

We examine work such as planning and coordination of important policies, basic policies of municipal administration, gender equality, base measures, Yokohama City University, administrative reform, crisis management, finance, etc.

Committee list

Proposals and Results of Deliberation

Activities of the Committee
Date of the eventMeeting typeContents
April 18
Committee[Finance Bureau]
1 Report items
(1) Status of Affiliated Organizations (PDF: 59KB)
[Policy Bureau]
1 Petition Examination
(1) 2015
  Petition No. 43 How to submit a written opinion requesting the early realization of the construction of an alternative facility at U.S. military Futenma Air Station
2. Matters to be reported
(1) Status of Affiliated Organizations (PDF: 110KB)
(2) About "designated city mayor society action plan at the time of wide area, large-scale disaster" for earthquake with the epicenter in Kumamoto district of 2016 (PDF: 124KB)
[General Affairs Bureau]
1 Report items
(1) About revision of Yokohama-shi earthquake disaster prevention strategy (PDF: 2,642KB)
(2) Status of Affiliated Organizations (PDF: 130KB)
March 18Committee[City Council Bureau]
[1 is a budget proposal commissioned by the Second Special Committee on Budgets]
1 City 161st bill 2016 Yokohama-shi general account budget (related part) (PDF: 499KB)
[Related to Personnel Committee]
[1 is a budget proposal commissioned by the Second Special Committee on Budgets]
1 City 161st bill 2016 Yokohama-shi general account budget (related part) (PDF: 499KB)
[Related to Audit Committee Members]
[1 and 2 are budget proposals and budget-related proposals commissioned by the Second Special Committee on Budget]
1 City 161st bill 2016 Yokohama-shi general account budget (related part) (PDF: 499KB)
2 Conclusion of city 185th bill comprehensive external audit contract (PDF: 91KB)
[Election Commission]
[1 is a budget proposal commissioned by the Second Special Committee on Budgets]
※ Question Summary of the Second Special Committee Budget for FY2016 (PDF: 116KB)
1 City 161st bill 2016 Yokohama-shi general account budget (related part) (PDF: 499KB)
[Office of Accounting]
[1 is a budget proposal commissioned by the Second Special Committee on Budgets]
1 City 161st bill 2016 Yokohama-shi general account budget (related part) (PDF: 499KB)
[Finance Bureau]
[1 to 3 are budget proposals commissioned by the Second Special Committee on Budgets]
※ Question Summary of the Second Special Committee Budget for FY2016 (PDF: 142KB)
1 City 161st bill 2016 Yokohama-shi general account budget (related part) (PDF: 499KB)
2 City 176th bill 2016 Yokohama-shi public works land costs accounting budget (PDF: 306KB)
3 City 177th bill 2016 Yokohama-shi municipal bond money accounts budget (PDF: 243KB)
4 Petition Examination
(1) Petition No. 76 How to submit a statement of position calling for the suspension of the consumption tax hike
5 Reporting items
(1) About donation acceptance (PDF: 50KB)
March 15Committee[Policy Bureau]
[1 is a budget proposal commissioned by the Second Special Committee on Budgets]
※ Question Summary of the Second Special Committee Budget for FY2016 (PDF: 238KB)
1 City 161st bill 2016 Yokohama-shi general account budget (related part) (PDF: 499KB)
2 Petition Examination
(1) Petition No. 43 How to submit a written opinion requesting the early realization of the construction of an alternative facility at U.S. military Futenma Air Station
(2) Petition No. 81 How to submit a written opinion requesting respect for local autonomy, etc.
3. Matters to be reported
(1) About the formulation of the third medium-term target of Yokohama City University (PDF: 1,142KB)
[General Affairs Bureau]
[1 to 4 are budget proposals and budget-related proposals commissioned by the Second Special Committee on Budget]
※ Question Summary of the Second Special Committee Budget for FY2016 (PDF: 252KB)
1 City 161st bill 2016 Yokohama-shi general account budget (related part) (PDF: 499KB)
2 Partial revision (PDF: 77KB) of city 180th bill Yokohama-shi staff fixed number regulations
3 Partial revision (PDF: 91KB) of the regulations about salary and allowance of city 181st bill Yokohama-shi full-time special staff staff
4 Partial revision (PDF: 95KB) of the regulations about special duty allowance of city 182nd bill Yokohama-shi general staff
5 Reporting items
(1) About the way of involvement in affiliated organizations (PDF: 265KB)
(2) About new city hall maintenance business (PDF: 7,118KB)
February 22Committee

[Finance Bureau]
Partial revision of the 1st city 195th bill Yokohama-shi fixed assets evaluation examination committee regulations
   City 195th bill (PDF: 122KB) City 195th bill document (PDF: 274KB)
2-city 213th bill Conclusion of Yokohama-shi city hall relocation new construction contract contract
   City 213th bill (PDF: 92KB) City 213th bill document (PDF: 1,127KB)
3 cities No. 214 bill Conclusion of contract for high-speed Yokohama ring-shaped northwest line (Kawamukai district) street maintenance work (bridge superstructure)
   City 214th bill (PDF: 88KB) City 214th bill document (PDF: 1,127KB)
4 cities No. 215 bill High-speed Yokohama ring-shaped northwest line (Kawamukai district) street maintenance work (bridge superstructure) (Part 2) Conclusion of contract
   City 215th bill (PDF: 85KB) City 215th bill document (PDF: 1,127KB)
5 cities 216th bill Conclusion of high-speed Yokohama ring-shaped northwest line (east district) street maintenance construction contract contract
   City 216th bill (PDF: 87KB) City 216th bill document (PDF: 1,127KB)
6 cities No. 217 bill High-speed Yokohama ring-shaped northwest line (east district) street maintenance work (Part 2) Conclusion of contract contract
   City 217th bill (PDF: 86KB) City 217th bill document (PDF: 1,127KB)
7 cities 218th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the fourth) (related part)
   City 218th bill (PDF: 538KB) City 218th bill document (PDF: 927KB)
8 cities 225th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi public works land costs accounting revised budget (the first)
   City 225th bill (PDF: 283KB) City 225th bill document (PDF: 927KB)
9 cities 226th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi municipal bond money accounts revised budget (the second)
   City 226th bill (PDF: 281KB) City 226th bill document (PDF: 927KB)
10 Reporting items
(1) About summary of tax system revision (local tax) in 2016 (PDF: 454KB)

February 18Committee

[Election Commission]
1 City 218th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the fourth) (related part) (PDF: 538KB)
[Policy Bureau]
1 city 218th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the fourth) (related part)
   City 218th bill (PDF: 538KB) City 218th bill document (PDF: 255KB)
2 Petition Examination
(1) Petition No. 43 How to submit a written opinion requesting the early realization of the construction of an alternative facility at U.S. Army Futenma Air Station (continuous examination)
3. Matters to be reported
(1) About the fourth Yokohama-shi gender equality action plan (original bill) (PDF: 3,941KB)
(2) About setting of designated city prefectural coordination meeting (PDF: 275KB)
[General Affairs Bureau]
Proposal No. 187: Establishment of ordinances related to the management of Retirement by Yokohama City employees
   City 187th bill (PDF: 66KB) City 187th bill document (PDF: 401KB)
2 cities 191st bill Partial revision of the regulations about publication of the situation such as administration of Yokohama-shi personnel administration
   City 191st bill (PDF: 88KB) City 191st bill document (PDF: 200KB)
Partial revision such as the regulations about salary of 3 cities 192nd bill Yokohama-shi general staff
   City 192nd bill (PDF: 129KB) City 192nd bill document (PDF: 148KB)
4 cities No. 193 Proposal Partial revision of the ordinance on compensation for public affairs accidents of members of the Yokohama City Council and other part-time staff
   City 193rd bill (PDF: 92KB) City 193rd bill document (PDF: 218KB)
5 cities 218th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the fourth) (related part)
   City 218th bill (PDF: 538KB) City 218th bill document (PDF: 425KB)

December 15

[Finance Bureau]
1 City 139th bill limit (PDF: 78KB) of voucher sale with money
2 City No. 142 Proposal No. 142 Minami Honmoku Wharf No. 5 Block Waste landfill (tentative name) Concluded contract for construction of floating piers
   City 142nd bill (PDF: 84KB) City 142nd bill document (PDF: 898KB)
3 cities No. 143 bill Conclusion of contract for high-speed Yokohama ring-shaped northwest line (Kawamukai district) street maintenance work (bridge substructure)
   City 143rd bill (PDF: 85KB) City 143rd bill document (PDF: 898KB)
4 cities No. 144 bill High-speed Yokohama ring-shaped northwest line (Kawamukai district) street maintenance work (bridge substructure) (Part 2) Conclusion of contract
   City 144th bill (PDF: 85KB) City 144th bill document (PDF: 898KB)
5 City No. 145 Proposal Minami Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (Building No. 1 Construction) Change of contract contract
   City 145th bill (PDF: 101KB) City 145th bill document (PDF: 898KB)
6 City No. 146 Proposal No. 146 Minami Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction Work (No. 3 Construction Work) Change in Contract
   City 146th bill (PDF: 89KB) City 146th bill document (PDF: 898KB)
7 cities 147th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the third) (related part)
    City 147th bill (PDF: 534KB) City 147th bill document (PDF: 533KB)
8 cities 156th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi municipal bond money accounts revised budget (the first)
   City 156th bill (PDF: 215KB) City 156th bill document (PDF: 533KB)
9 Petition Examination
(1) Petition No. 50 How to submit a written opinion requesting improvement of the dependent deduction system for foreigners

December 11Committee

[City Council Bureau]
1 City 147th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the third) (related part) (PDF: 534KB)
[Related to Personnel Committee]
1 City 147th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the third) (related part) (PDF: 534KB)
[Related to Audit Committee Members]
1 City 147th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the third) (related part) (PDF: 534KB)
[Election Commission]
1 City 147th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the third) (related part) (PDF: 534KB)
[Office of Accounting]
1 City 147th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the third) (related part) (PDF: 534KB)
[Policy Bureau]
1 city 147th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the third) (related part)
   City 147th bill (PDF: 534KB) City 147th bill document (PDF: 31KB)
2 Examination of petition
(1) Petition No. 15 How to submit a written opinion calling for the abolition of the two security-related laws
3 Petition Examination
(1) Petition No. 43 How to submit a written opinion requesting the early realization of the construction of an alternative facility at U.S. military Futenma Air Station
(2) Petition No. 44 How to submit a written opinion requesting the withdrawal of a blank sheet of the U.S. military new base construction plan to Henoko (Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture)
4 Others
(1) About designated manager system
(2) Opinion (draft) on enhancement of basic expenses such as national university corporation operating expenses grants (PDF: 79KB)
[General Affairs Bureau]
1 City No. 89 Proposal of Yokohama City Administrative Appeals Examination Ordinance
   City 89th bill (PDF: 100KB) City 89th bill document (PDF: 563KB)
2-city 92nd bill Partial revision such as the regulations about term-end allowance for Yokohama-shi staff and diligence allowance
   City 92nd bill (PDF: 91KB) City 92nd bill document (PDF: 563KB)
Partial revision of the regulations about public affairs accident compensation of 3 cities 93rd bill Yokohama-shi congressist and other part-time staff
   City 93rd bill (PDF: 119KB) City 93rd bill document (PDF: 219KB)
4 cities No. 94 Proposal Partial revision of the ordinance on the enforcement of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Yokohama City Administrative Procedures
   City 94th bill (PDF: 118KB) City 94th bill document (PDF: 168KB)
5 cities 147th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the third) (related part)
   City 147th bill (PDF: 534KB) City 147th bill document (PDF: 345KB)
6 Reporting items
(1) About correction of disaster preparedness plan, Yokohama-shi "measures such as storm and flood damage" (PDF: 187KB)
(2) About development of information reception communication plan at the time of disaster (PDF: 4,440KB)
(3) About new city hall maintenance business (PDF: 2,978KB)

November 27Committee

[General Affairs Bureau]
1 city 88th bill Some revisions such as the regulations about salary of general staff of Yokohama-shi
   City 88th bill (PDF: 686KB) City 88th bill document (PDF: 227KB)

October 27
InspectionKumamoto-shi, Kumamoto
1 Regarding the initiatives of self support and community support
1 About the total amount of happiness of citizens of the prefecture (AKH)
Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka
1 Asset Management
1 Telework
October 26InspectionCenter for Advanced Medical Science, Yokohama City University
September 16Committee

[General Affairs Bureau]
1 Consultation City No. 1 Consultation on request for examination pertaining to retirement allowance payment restriction disposal
2 cities No. 44 Proposal of the Ordinance on the Enforcement of the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Yokohama City Administrative Procedures
   City 44th bill (PDF: 145KB) City 44th bill document (PDF: 407KB)
3 cities No. 45 Proposal Partial revision of the ordinance that determines the use and scale of large-scale factories and other facilities specified by the ordinance prescribed in Article 15, Paragraph 1, Item 3 c of the Flood Control Law
   City 45th bill (PDF: 77KB) City 45th bill document (PDF: 227KB)
4 Partial revision (PDF: 79KB) of the regulations about reappointment of city 46th bill Yokohama-shi general staff
5 Petition Examination
(1) Petition No. 15 How to submit a statement of position calling for cancellation of the My Number System Implementation
6 Reporting items
(1) About evaluation method of new agreement management cycle of affiliated organization (PDF: 198KB)
(2) About policy to affect review such as pool and outdoor activity facilities (PDF: 305KB)
(3) About the approach situation of 2014 based on Yokohama-shi medium and small-sized business promotion basics regulations (PDF: 247KB)
7 Others
(1) About earthquake resistance of specific building
(2) About tsunami warning transmission system
(3) About correspondence of contract conclusion to affect new city hall maintenance and lawsuit demanding stop of public money expenditure
(4) Minami Ward's response to disasters
[Finance Bureau]
1 city 48th bill Partial revision such as Yokohama-shi city tax regulations
   City 48th bill (PDF: 201KB) City 48th bill document (PDF: 479KB)
Proposal No. 71 of 2 cities Concluded contract for the repair of monitoring and control equipment at Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Asahi Plant
   City 71st bill (PDF: 54KB) City 71st bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
3 cities 72nd bill Conclusion of construction contract contract for construction of Kitahatsusaku ventilation station of high-speed Yokohama ring-shaped northwest line
   City 72nd bill (PDF: 83KB) City 72nd bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
4 cities No. 73 Proposal Conclusion of contract for construction of high-speed Yokohama ring-shaped northwest line east ventilation station
   City 73rd bill (PDF: 84KB) City 73rd bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
5 City No. 74 Proposal Yokohama City University Student Exchange Center (tentative name) Change of new construction (building work) contract
   City 74th bill (PDF: 85KB) City 74th bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
6 City No. 75 Proposal No. Minami Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (No. 2 Construction) Change in Contract
   City 75th bill (PDF: 87KB) City 75th bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
7 City No. 76 Proposal Minami Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (1st and 2nd construction zone air conditioning equipment construction) Change of contract
   City 76th bill (PDF: 90KB) City 76th bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
8 City No. 77 Proposal Konan Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (Construction of Second Construction Zone) Change in Contract
   City 77th bill (PDF: 90KB) City 77th bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
9 City No. 78 Proposal No. Konan Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (air conditioning equipment construction) Change in contract
   City 78th bill (PDF: 90KB) City 78th bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
10 cities No. 79 Proposal Kanazawa Ward General Government Building Renovation (1st construction section construction work) Change of contract contract
   City 79th bill (PDF: 88KB) City 79th bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
11 City No. 80 Proposal No. Midori Ward General Government Building Renovation (Building) Contract
   City 80th bill (PDF: 86KB) City 80th bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
12 City No. 81 Proposal No. 81 Minamihonmoku Wharf No. 5 Block Waste landfill (tentative name) Change in contract for construction of wastewater treatment facilities (water treatment equipment construction)
   City 81st bill (PDF: 82KB) City 81st bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
13 cities No. 82 bill City planning road Kamoi Kamiiida Line (Motoshuku / Futamatagawa district) Street maintenance work (Part 12) Change of contract contract
   City 82nd bill (PDF: 90KB) City 82nd bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
14 City No. 83 Proposal Yokohama International Port Construction Road Kanazawa Seaside Line Construction Work (Part 3) Change of contract contract
   City 83rd bill (PDF: 89KB) City 83rd bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
15 City No. 84 Proposal Change in Contract for Construction of Shield Tunnel at High-speed Yokohama Loop Northwest Line
   City 84th bill (PDF: 88KB) City 84th bill document (PDF: 1,922KB)
16 cities 85th bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the second) (related part)
   City 85th bill (PDF: 321KB) City 85th bill document (PDF: 472KB)
17 Examination of petition
(1) Petition No. 8 How to submit a written opinion requesting the abolition of Article 56 of the Income Tax Law
18 Petition Examination
(1) Petition No. 21 How to submit a written opinion requesting a review of the dependent deduction system for foreigners
19 Reporting items
(1) About the approach situation of 2014 based on Yokohama-shi medium and small-sized business promotion basics regulations (PDF: 254KB)

September 15Committee[City Council Bureau]
1 Report items
(1) About the approach situation of 2014 based on Yokohama-shi medium and small-sized business promotion basics regulations (PDF: 143KB)
[Related to Personnel Committee]
1 Report items
(1) About the approach situation of 2014 based on Yokohama-shi medium and small-sized business promotion basics regulations (PDF: 146KB)
[Related to Audit Committee Members]
1 Report items
(1) About the approach situation of 2014 based on Yokohama-shi medium and small-sized business promotion basics regulations (PDF: 145KB)
[Election Commission]
1 Report items
(1) About the approach situation of 2014 based on Yokohama-shi medium and small-sized business promotion basics regulations (PDF: 225KB)
[Office of Accounting]
1 Report items
(1) About the approach situation of 2014 based on Yokohama-shi medium and small-sized business promotion basics regulations (PDF: 291KB)
[Policy Bureau]
1 Petition Examination
(1) Petition No. 7 How to submit a written opinion requesting the abolition of security-related bills
(2) Petition No. 9 How to submit a written opinion requesting the abolition of a bill that embodies the exercise of the right to collective self-defense
2 Petition Examination
(1) Petition No. 9 How to submit a written opinion requesting the suspension of the formulation of security-related bills
(2) Petition No. 35 How to submit a written opinion on the deployment of U.S. military aircraft Osprey
3. Matters to be reported
(1) About the approach situation of 2014 based on Yokohama-shi medium and small-sized business promotion basics regulations (PDF: 76KB)
(2) About evaluation result about the results of duties of public university corporation Yokohama City University in 2014 (PDF: 811KB)
(3) About correspondence of Motoichi about local wound life (PDF: 2,174KB)
(4) About the fourth Yokohama-shi gender equality action plan draft (PDF: 5,032KB)
(5) Strategic land use (PDF: 128KB)
(6) Review of flight routes accompanying enhancement of Haneda Airport functions (PDF: 1,501KB)
July 6
InspectionNational University Corporation Otaru University of Commerce (Otaru City, Hokkaido)
1 Active learning using ICT
HARP Co., Ltd. (Sapporo City, Hokkaido)
1 About local government cloud
Kamishihoro-cho, Hokkaido
1 About the financial situation of Kamishihoro Town
About 2 hometown tax payment and the utilization method
May 27Committee

[Finance Bureau]
1 City Bulletin No. 5 Decision Report on Partial Revision of the Yokohama City Tax Ordinance, etc.
   City bulletin fifth (PDF: 140KB) City bulletin fifth document (PDF: 945KB)
Proposal No. 23: Minamihonmoku Waste landfill Conclusion of Contract for High Density Work (Part 2)
   City 23rd bill (PDF: 88KB) City 23rd bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
3 City No. 24 Proposal No. 24 Minamihonmoku Wharf No. 5 Block Waste landfill (tentative name) Concluded a contract for construction of wastewater treatment facilities (water treatment equipment construction)
   City 24th bill (PDF: 58KB) City 24th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
4 cities No. 25 bill City planning road Kamoi Kamiiida Line (Motoshuku / Futamatagawa district) Concluded a contract for street maintenance work (Part 12)
   City 25th bill (PDF: 87KB) City 25th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
5 cities No. 26 Proposal Yokohama International Port Construction Road Kanazawa Seaside Line Construction Work (Part 3) Conclusion of contract
   City 26th bill (PDF: 87KB) City 26th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
6 cities No. 27 Proposal Conclusion of contract for construction of Shield Tunnel at High-speed Yokohama Ring-type Northwest Line
   City 27th bill (PDF: 86KB) City 27th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
7 cities No. 28 bill High-speed Yokohama ring-shaped Northwest Line (Kitahachisaku district) Street maintenance work (Part 3) Conclusion of contract
   City 28th bill (PDF: 80KB) City 28th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
8 City No. 29 Proposal No. 29 Minami Honmoku Wharf No. 5 Block Waste landfill (tentative name) Concluded a contract for construction (54 foundations and main construction)
   City 29th bill (PDF: 89KB) City 29th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
9 City No. 30 Proposal Minami Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (Building No. 1 Construction) Change in Contract
   City 30th bill (PDF: 93KB) City 30th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
10 City No. 31 Proposal Minami Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (Construction of Second Construction Zone) Change in Contract
   City 31st bill (PDF: 87KB) City 31st bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
11 City No. 32 Proposal Minami Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction Work (3rd Construction Work) Change in Contract
   City 32nd bill (PDF: 89KB) City 32nd bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
12th City No. 33 Proposal Minami Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (1st and 2nd Construction Zone Electrical Equipment Construction) Change in Contract
   City 33rd bill (PDF: 85KB) City 33rd bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
13 City No. 34 Proposal Minami Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (1st and 2nd construction zone air conditioning equipment construction) Change of contract contract
   City 34th bill (PDF: 88KB) City 34th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
14 City No. 35 Proposal Konan Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (Construction of Second Construction Zone) Change in Contract
   City 35th bill (PDF: 90KB) City 35th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
15 City No. 36 Proposal Konan Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (Electrical Equipment Construction) Change in Contract
   City 36th bill (PDF: 88KB) City 36th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
16 City No. 37 Proposal Konan Ward General Government Building Relocation New Construction (air conditioning equipment construction) Change of contract contract
   City 37th bill (PDF: 88KB) City 37th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
17 cities No. 38 bill No. 38 of high-speed Yokohama ring-shaped northwest line (Kitahachisaku district) Change of street maintenance construction contract contract
   City 38th bill (PDF: 87KB) City 38th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
18 cities No. 39 bill High-speed Yokohama ring-shaped northwest line (Kitahachisaku district) street maintenance work (Part 2) Change of contract contract
   City 39th bill (PDF: 87KB) City 39th bill document (PDF: 2,081KB)
19 cities 41st bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the first) (related part)
   City 41st bill (PDF: 99KB) City 41st bill document (PDF: 503KB)
20 Reporting items
(1) About donation acceptance
1 About various committee members (PDF: 92KB)

May 26Committee

[General Affairs Bureau]
1 city 41st bill 2015 Yokohama-shi general account revised budget (the first) (related part)
   City 41st bill (PDF: 99KB) City 41st bill document No. 1 (PDF: 9,344KB)
   City 41st bill document 2 (PDF: 7,319KB) City 41st bill document 3 (PDF: 7,378KB)
   City 41st bill document No. 4 (PDF: 9,571KB)
2. Matters to be reported
(1) About approach of work reform room (PDF: 178KB)
(2) Overview of Social Security and Tax Number System and Preparation Status (PDF: 795KB)
(3) About direction of policy such as pool and outdoor activity facilities (PDF: 1,229KB)

May 19Committee[Finance Bureau]
1 About business summary (PDF: 2,533KB)
[City Council Bureau]
1 Business Overview (PDF: 168KB)
[Related to Personnel Committee]
1 About business summary (PDF: 564KB)
[Related to Audit Committee Members]
1 About business summary (PDF: 416KB)
[Election Commission]
1 Business Overview (PDF: 439KB)
[Office of Accounting]
1 About business summary (PDF: 556KB)
[Policy Bureau]
1 Business Overview (PDF: 1,533KB)
[General Affairs Bureau]
1 Business Overview (PDF: 2,159KB)

※Of bills and materials, those that contain personal information, those that do not have a copyright in Yokohama City, those that do not have electronic data in booklets, etc., that are not appropriate to disclose, and technically difficult to create data About thing, we do not publish PDF data.

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