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  2. City Counsil
  3. City Counsil's record
  4. Activities of the Committee
  5. Outline of committee activities (from May 29, 2009 to June 8, 2010)
  6. Urban Management and General Affairs Committee (Urban Management and Administrative Management Coordination Committee) (May 29, 2009 through June 8, 2010)

Here's the text.

Urban Management and General Affairs Committee (Urban Management and Administrative Management Coordination Committee) (May 29, 2009 through June 8, 2010)

Last Updated March 13, 2019

We examine work such as planning and coordination of important policies, basic policies for urban management, international policies, base measures, comprehensive coordination of 150th anniversary projects, budgeting, and administrative reforms.

Committee list

Proposals and Deliberation Results

Activities of the Committee
Date of DateMeeting typeContents
May 14
CommitteeGeneral Affairs Bureau relations
1 Report items
(1) About the holding status of affiliated institutions (PDF: 114KB)
Relations Department of Urban Management
1 Petition examination
(1) 2009
Petition No. 8 Investigation on Public Payment of Public Money to the 150th Anniversary Association of Yokohama Port Opening (Continuous Examination) (PDF: 2,878KB)
(2) 2009
Petition No. 35 Investigation and scrutiny of the 150th anniversary of the opening of Yokohama Port Opening (Continuation Examination) (PDF: 2,878KB)
(3) 2009
Petition No. 46 How to submit a written opinion against the legislation for granting foreign suffrage in Japan (continuous examination)
(4) 2009
Petition No. 47 How to submit a written opinion opposing the legislation for granting foreign suffrage in Japan (continuous examination)
2 Petition examination
(1) 2009
Petition No. 13 How to submit a written opinion opposing the legislation of foreign local suffrage (continuous examination)
3 Others
(1) About the holding status of affiliated institutions (PDF: 128KB)
(2) About "basic way of thinking (basic direction) of new metropolitan system establishment" (PDF: 449KB)
(3) Renewal of partner city alliances (Beijing, Taipei City, Busan) (PDF: 329KB)
(4) About Yokohama City Management Advisory Committee (PDF: 107KB)
April 22CommitteeGeneral Affairs Bureau relations
1 Fiscal 2009
Gidai 8 bill Partial revision (continuation examination) of the regulations about salary and allowance of Yokohama-shi full-time special staff (PDF: 64KB)
2 Petition examination
(1) 2009
Petition No. 41 Correction of Illegal Public Property Lending (Continuation Examination)
3 Others
(1) About donation acceptance (PDF: 80KB)
(2) About new plan pertaining to partial revision of the regulations about salary of Yokohama-shi full-time special staff and allowance (PDF: 28KB)
Relations Department of Urban Management
1 Petition examination
(1) 2009
Petition No. 8 Investigation on Public Payment of Public Money to the 150th Anniversary Association of Yokohama Port Opening (Continuous Examination) (PDF: 230KB)
(2) 2009
Petition No. 35 Investigation and scrutiny of the 150th anniversary of the opening of Yokohama Port Opening (Continuation Examination) (PDF: 230KB)
2 Others
(1) Direction of the New Medium-Term Plan (PDF: 8,791KB)
(2) Current status and issues of naming rights (PDF: 221KB)
(3) Petition for granting foreign suffrage in Japan
March 18Committee

Administrative Coordination Bureau
[1 to 6 are budget proposals and budget-related proposals commissioned by the Budget Second Special Committee]
※ Summary of FY2010 Budget Second Special Committee Question Summary (PDF: 263KB)
1 City 163 Proposal Establishment of the Ordinance on Special Work Allowance for Yokohama City General Staff
   City 163rd bill (PDF: 212KB) City 163rd bill document (PDF: 23KB)
2 City No. 164 bill Partial revision of the regulations about salary of Yokohama City general staff
   City No. 164 bill (PDF: 137KB) City No. 164 bill document (PDF: 23KB)
3 City No. 165 bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 10)
   City No. 165 bill (PDF: 99KB) City No. 165 bill document (PDF: 154KB)
4 City No. 136 bill 2010 Yokohama City General Account Budget (Related Part) (PDF: 367KB)
5 City No. 152 bill 2010 Yokohama City Public Works Land Cost Accounting Budget (PDF: 348KB)
6 City No. 153 bill 2010 Yokohama City Municipal Bond Accounting Budget (PDF: 346KB)
7 City No. 156 bill Yokohama City staff fixed number regulations (PDF: 91KB)
8 City No. 157 bill Partial revision of the regulations about salary of Yokohama City general staff and the regulations about special measures about salary of education staff such as Yokohama City High School (PDF: 309KB)
9 Gidai 8 bill Partial revision of the regulations about salary and allowance of Yokohama-shi full-time special staff (PDF: 64KB)
10 Petition Review
(1) About the abolition of petition 38th Yokohama green tax (PDF: 217KB)
(2) About the abolition of petition 39th Yokohama green tax (PDF: 217KB)
(3) Petition No. 41 Correction of illegal public property lending, etc.
(4) Petition No. 43 About immediate stop of Yokohama green tax (PDF: 217KB)
(5) Petition No. 44 Investigation on loan of Marine Tower and doll house
(6) Petition No. 45 About immediate stop of Yokohama green tax (PDF: 217KB)
11 Others
(1) About partial revision of city tax regulations with revision of 2010 Local Tax Law (PDF: 173KB)

March 16CommitteeCity Counsil Secretariat
[1] Budget proposals and budget-related proposals commissioned by the Budget Second Special Committee]
※ Summary of FY2010 Budget Second Special Committee Question Summary (PDF: 58KB)
1 City No. 136 bill 2010 Yokohama City General Account Budget (Related Part) (PDF: 367KB)
Personnel Committee Related
1 City No. 136 bill 2010 Yokohama City General Account Budget (Related Part) (PDF: 367KB)
Audit Committee Member
1 City No. 136 bill 2010 Yokohama City General Account Budget (Related Part) (PDF: 367KB)
2 Conclusion of city 162nd bill comprehensive external audit contract (PDF: 98KB)
Electoral Management Committee
1 City No. 136 bill 2010 Yokohama City General Account Budget (Related Part) (PDF: 367KB)
Office of Accounting relations
1 City No. 136 bill 2010 Yokohama City General Account Budget (Related Part) (PDF: 367KB)
Relations Department of Urban Management
[1] Budget proposals and budget-related proposals commissioned by the Budget Second Special Committee]
※ Summary of FY2010 Budget Second Special Committee Question Summary (PDF: 210KB)
1 City No. 136 bill 2010 Yokohama City General Account Budget (Related Part) (PDF: 367KB)
2 Petition examination
(1) Petition No. 8 Investigation on Public Payment of Public Money to the 150th Anniversary Association of Yokohama Port Opening (Continuous Examination) (PDF: 22KB)
(2) Petition No. 35 Investigation and scrutiny of the 150th anniversary of the opening of Yokohama Port Opening (Continuation Examination) (PDF: 22KB)
(3) Petition No. 46 How to submit a written opinion opposing the legislation for granting foreign suffrage in Japan
(4) Petition No. 47 How to submit a written opinion opposing the legislation for granting foreign suffrage in Japan
3 Petition examination
(1) Petition No. 13 How to submit a written opinion against the legislation of foreign local suffrage
4 Others
(1) About conduct result of fixed amount benefit donation utilization business (PDF: 828KB)
(2) About citizen participation type city brand construction business (PDF: 1,577KB)
(3) Membership to Mayors for Peace (PDF: 103KB)
February 22Committee

Administrative Coordination Bureau
1 Discussion (PDF: 98KB) about increase of city 122nd bill national self-government lottery office work meeting setting group and partial change of meeting agreement (PDF: 98KB)
2 Discussion (PDF: 96KB) about increase of city 123rd bill Kanto, Chubu, Tohoku self-government lottery office work meeting setting group and partial change of meeting agreement (PDF: 96KB)
3rd city No. 124 bill animal protection center (tentative name) Change of new construction (building work) contract
   City No. 124 bill (PDF: 94KB) City No. 124 bill document (PDF: 101KB)
4 City No. 125 bill City Road Tozuka No. 519 Road Construction (Pedestrian Bridge Construction Work) Contract Contract
   City No. 125 bill (PDF: 90KB) City No. 125 bill document (PDF: 102KB)
5 City No. 126 Proposal 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 9) (Related Part)
   City 126th bill (PDF: 405KB) City No. 126 bill document (PDF: 740KB)
6 City No. 133 Proposal 2009 Yokohama City Public Works Land Expenses Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)
   City 13th bill (PDF: 386KB) City No. 133 bill document (PDF: 740KB)
7 City No. 134 Proposal 2009 Yokohama City Municipal Bond Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2)
   City No. 134 bill (PDF: 386KB) City No. 134 bill document (PDF: 740KB)
8 Gidai 8 bill Partial revision of the regulations about salary and allowance of Yokohama-shi full-time special staff (PDF: 64KB)
9 Others
(1) About Yokohama-shi assets utilization basic policy (draft) (PDF: 901KB)

February 17Committee

Electoral Management Committee
1 City No. 126 bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 9) (Related Part)
   City 126th bill (PDF: 405KB) City No. 126 bill document (PDF: 81KB)
Relations Department of Urban Management
1 City No. 126 bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 9) (Related Part)
   City 126th bill (PDF: 405KB) City No. 126 bill document (PDF: 97KB)
2 Gidai ninth bill establishment of regulations about Yokohama-shi naming rights contract
   Gidai ninth bill (PDF: 77KB) Gidai ninth bill document (PDF: 153KB)
3 Petition examination
(1) Petition No. 8 Investigation on Public Payment of Public Money to the 150th Anniversary Association of Yokohama Port Opening (Continuous Examination)
(2) Petition No. 35 Investigation and scrutiny of the 150th anniversary of the opening of Yokohama Port Opening (Continuation Examination)
4 Others
(1) About city brand construction business (PDF: 372KB)
(2) Response status to undetermined amount (PDF: 515KB)
(3) Partial revision of the PFI Guidelines (PDF: 321KB)

December 14
InspectionResearch Center for Advanced Medical Sciences, Yokohama City University
December 9Committee

Administrative Coordination Bureau
1 City Bulletin No. 18 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 6) Decision Report (Related Part)
   City bulletin No. 18 (PDF: 128KB) City bulletin No. 18 document (PDF: 634KB)
2 City Bulletin No. 19 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 7) Decision Report (Related Part)
   City bulletin No. 19 (PDF: 128KB) City Newsletter No. 19 document (PDF: 634KB)
3 City No. 51 Proposal enactment of the ordinance on the management of private receivables in Yokohama City
   City No. 51 bill (PDF: 110KB) City No. 51 bill document (PDF: 211KB)
4th city 53rd bill Partial revision of the regulations about salary and allowance of Yokohama-shi full-time special staff and Yokohama-shi retirement allowance regulations
   City 53rd bill (PDF: 229KB) City No. 53 bill document (PDF: 164KB)
5 City 54th bill Partial revision of the regulations about public affairs accident compensation of Yokohama-shi congressist and other part-time staff (PDF: 99KB)
6 Limit (PDF: 81KB) of city 92nd bill voucher with gold.
7 City No. 93 Proposal City Planning Road Yamashita Nagatsuta Line (Kamoi District) Street maintenance work (Shiroyama Works, Part 6) Change of Contract Contract
   City 93rd bill (PDF: 90KB) City No. 93 bill document (PDF: 94KB)
8 City No. 94 Proposal 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 8) (Related Part)
   City No. 94 bill (PDF: 149KB) City 94th bill document (PDF: 634KB)
9 City No. 103 Proposal 2009 Yokohama City Municipal Bond Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)
   City 103rd bill (PDF: 72KB) City No. 103 bill document (PDF: 634KB)
10 Gidai 8 bill Partial revision of the regulations about salary and allowance of Yokohama-shi full-time special staff (PDF: 64KB)
11 Others
(1) About affiliated organizations

December 7CommitteeRelations Department of Urban Management
1 Petition examination
(1) Petition No. 8 Investigation on Public Payment of Public Money to the 150th Anniversary Association of Yokohama Port Opening (Continuous Examination)
(2) Petition No. 35 Investigation and scrutiny of the 150th anniversary of the opening of Yokohama Port Opening
2 Others
(1) Summary of project commemorating the 150th anniversary of the opening of Yokohama Port (PDF: 1,553KB)
December 4Committee

City Counsil Secretariat
1 City 94th bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 8) (Related Part) (PDF: 149KB)
Personnel Committee Related
1 City 94th bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 8) (Related Part) (PDF: 149KB)
Audit Committee Member
1 City 94th bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 8) (Related Part) (PDF: 149KB)
Electoral Management Committee
1 City bulletin No. 18 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 6) Decision Report (Related Part) (PDF: 128KB)
2 City 94th bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 8) (Related Part) (PDF: 149KB)
Office of Accounting relations
1 City 94th bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 8) (Related Part) (PDF: 149KB)
Administrative Coordination Bureau
1 city 52nd bill Partial revision of Yokohama-shi office work division regulations
   City 52nd bill (PDF: 94KB) City No. 52 bill document (PDF: 18KB)
Relations Department of Urban Management
1 City 94th bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 8) (Related Part) (PDF: 149KB)
2 Petition examination
(1) About dismissal of petition thirteenth deputy mayor (continuation examination)
(2) Petition No. 33 How to submit a written opinion requesting the early full enforcement of the revised Money Lending Business Law (PDF: 29KB)
3 Petition examination
(1) Petition No. 9 How to submit a written opinion requesting a change in status of residence and a review of guidelines for permitting renewal of period of stay
4 Others
(1) Summary of project commemorating the 150th anniversary of the opening of Yokohama Port (PDF: 7,561KB)
(2) About city brand construction business (PDF: 507KB)
(3) Partner City Alliance with Incheon Metropolitan City (PDF: 236KB)
(4) About the outline (draft) of Yokohama City University 2nd Medium-Term Target (draft) (PDF: 272KB)
(5) About APEC Promotion Project

November 27Committee

Administrative Coordination Bureau
1 city 50th bill Partial revision such as the regulations about salary of Yokohama-shi general staff
   City 50th bill (PDF: 533KB) City No. 50 bill document (PDF: 117KB)

Nov. 18-20InspectionOtaru-shi, Hokkaido
1 Outline of the Otaru Development and Construction Department, Hokkaido Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
2 Resident participation type comprehensive evaluation Post-examination About trial of successful bid method
Yuni-cho, Hokkaido
1 About Yuni-cho financial plan
2 Introduction of Marketing Tests
Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
1 Strengthening Regulations on Tenkairi
About examination of 2 city tax office setting
About approach of 3 self-government basics regulations and town development center local self-operation
1 Post-Smit Initiatives
2 About the APEC Economic Ministers' Meeting Promotion Bureau
3. Initiatives for Efficiency of General Affairs Business
September 18Committee

Relations Department of Urban Management
1 City No. 46 Bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 5) (Related Part)
   City No. 46 bill (PDF: 330KB) City No. 46 bill document (PDF: 12KB)
2 Petition examination
(1) Petition No. 18 Strict and Fair Measures in Naming Rights Contracts (PDF: 223KB)
3 Others
(1) About Yokohama-shi designation manager system operation guidelines (plan) (PDF: 1,020KB)
Administrative Coordination Bureau
1 City Bulletin No. 12 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) Decision Report (Related Part)
   City bulletin twelfth (PDF: 329KB) City bulletin twelfth document (PDF: 336KB)
2 City Newsletter No. 13 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 4) Decision Report (Related Part)
   City bulletin thirteenth (PDF: 330KB) City bulletin thirteenth document (PDF: 336KB)
3 City No. 42 Proposal No. 42 Proposal Maiokagawa Yu Suichi Construction (Part 3) Conclusion of contract
   City 42nd bill (PDF: 85KB) City No. 42 bill document (PDF: 434KB)
4th city 43rd bill Kawakamikita Elementary School extension construction (building work) contract contract
   City 43rd bill (PDF: 84KB) City No. 43 bill document (PDF: 434KB)
5 City No. 44 bill Conclusion of Akanedai Junior High School new construction (building work) contract contract
   City 44th bill (PDF: 86KB) City No. 44 bill document part 1 (PDF: 434KB)
   City No. 44 bill document part 2 (PDF: 58KB)
6 City No. 45 Proposal Totsuka Station West Exit District 1 Urban Redevelopment Project Public facilities maintenance work (Part 3) Change of contract contract
   City 45th bill (PDF: 93KB) City No. 45 bill document (PDF: 434KB)
7 City No. 46 Proposal 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 5) (Related Part)
   City No. 46 bill (PDF: 330KB) City No. 46 bill document (PDF: 336KB)
8 Petition Review
(1) Petition No. 9 Correction of Unauthorized Loans of Public Property
(2) Petition No. 12 Regarding the prohibition of the staff's desertion
(3) Petition No. 17 How to submit a written opinion requesting the abolition of Article 56 of the Income Tax Law
9 Others
(1) Verification results of the organizational reform (PDF: 2,935KB)

September 16Committee

Electoral Management Committee
1 City Bulletin No. 12 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) Decision Report (Related Part)
   City bulletin twelfth (PDF: 329KB) City bulletin twelfth document (PDF: 2,490KB)
2 City Newsletter No. 13 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 4) Decision Report (Related Part)
   City bulletin thirteenth (PDF: 330KB) City bulletin thirteenth document (PDF: 2,490KB)
3 City No. 46 Proposal 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 5) (Related Part)
   City No. 46 bill (PDF: 330KB) City No. 46 bill document (PDF: 137KB)
Office of Accounting relations
1 Petition examination
(1) Petition No. 10 About Office of Accounting examination about Imai River repair work expenditure
Relations Department of Urban Management
1 City No. 46 Bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 5) (Related Part)
   City No. 46 bill (PDF: 330KB) City No. 46 bill document (PDF: 280KB)
2 Petition examination
(1) Petition No. 8 Investigation on Public Payment of Public Money to the Association of Yokohama Port 150th Anniversary Association (PDF: 34KB)
(2) About dismissal of petition thirteenth deputy mayor
(3) Petition No. 14 Regarding alleged reports on the former mayor
3 Others
(1) Evaluation results regarding the performance of the business performance of Yokohama City University in 2008 (PDF: 966KB)

July 16InspectionYokohama City History Archives
June 17Committee

Administrative Coordination Bureau
1 City No. 4 Bill Partial Revision of Yokohama City Tax Ordinance
   City fourth bill (PDF: 57KB) City No. 4 bill document (PDF: 428KB)
2 City No. 16 Proposal Minami-Honmaki Pier No. 5 Block Waste landfill (tentative name) Construction work (Part 7, ground improvement work) Contract
   City 16th bill (PDF: 60KB) City No. 16 bill document (PDF: 347KB)
3 cities 17th bill 2009 Yokohama City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) (Related Part)
   City 17th bill (PDF: 299KB) City 17th bill document (PDF: 522KB)
4 Petition examination
(1) Petition No. 1 Correction of illegal public property lending, etc.
(2) Petition No. 2 Regarding strengthening compliance of Yokohama City staff and disposing of offenders
(3) Petition No. 3 Appropriate property management of doll houses used illegally
5 Others
(1) About statement of position for financial support to local government (PDF: 23KB)
1 About various committee members (PDF: 7KB)

June 15CommitteeRelations Department of Urban Management
1 Report items
(1) About contribution to payment of fixed amount benefit (PDF: 183KB)
(2) About holding of "2009 city net Yokohama meeting" (PDF: 752KB)
(3) About Yokohama-shi designation manager system operation guidelines (plan) (PDF: 1,153KB)
(4) About the apology sentence by the former director of Yokohama City University Citizens' General Medical Center (PDF: 28KB)
(5) About the opening of the country Y150
June 3CommitteeCity Counsil Secretariat
1 Business Overview (PDF: 325KB)
Personnel Committee Related
1 Business Overview (PDF: 619KB)
Audit Committee Member
1 Business Overview (PDF: 933KB)
Electoral Management Committee
1 Business Overview (PDF: 3,632KB)
Office of Accounting relations
1 Business Overview (PDF: 664KB)
Administrative Coordination Bureau
1 Business Overview (PDF: 1,891KB)
Relations Department of Urban Management
1 Business Overview (PDF: 4,552KB)

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Email address: gi-giji@city.yokohama.jp

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