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Garbage and recycling not collected in the city

Last Updated September 19, 2024

Garbage that is not collected in the city

Air conditioners, TVs, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, clothes dryers

Air conditioners, TVs, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, clothes dryers

These products are not available in Yokohama. Please apply for disposal in one of the following ways. (Paid)

When requesting pick-up

  • Apply to the store where you purchased it
  • Apply to the new store
  • Apply to the Yokohama City Home Appliance Recycling Promotion Council (Japanese only)
     Telephone: 0120-014-353-Sat 9: 00-18: 00 (excluding holidays). Saturday until 17:00)
     Telephone: 0120-632-515-Saturday 9: 00-12: 00 13: 00-17: 00 (excluding holidays). Saturday until 15:00)
     In each case, collection companies designated by the association accept and collect.

If you bring it to the designated pick-up location by yourself
Please pay the recycling fee at the post office in advance and bring it to the designated pickup location below.

  • Toshiba Environmental Solutions Co., Ltd. TEL: 045-501-5477 20-1 Kansei-cho, Tsurumi-ku (Japanese only)
  • Sugaya Metal Co., Ltd. TEL: 045-591-6266 1-25-33 Hayabuchi, Tsuzuki-ku, Tsuzuki-ku (Japanese only)
  • Nippon Express Co., Ltd. Yokohama Tsuzuki designated pickup location TEL: 045-929-6122 433 Saedo-cho, Tsuzuki-ku, Tsuzuki-ku (Japanese only)
  • Toa Logistics Co., Ltd. Kanagawa Sales Office TEL: 045-620-5618 21-5, Gokanme-cho, Seya-ku (Japanese only)
  • SBS Instant Delivery Support Co., Ltd. Yokohama Depot TEL: 045-374-5563 1-8-3 Yukiura, Kanazawa-ku (Japanese only)

Personal computer

Personal computer

Please dispose of your computer in one of the following ways.

  • Apply to the manufacturer.
  • PC 3R Promotion Association (Phone: 03-5282-7685 (Japanese only), (external site)(English page is available).
  • PCs that enter the slot of the small home appliance box can also be used for recycling small home appliances.
  • Peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, and keyboards are collected by the city as burnable garbage for less than 50 cm and oversized garbage for more than 50 cm.

Other garbage not collected in the city

  • Garbage generated in large quantities due to moving or pruning garden trees may be requested by a contractor. Please consult with the Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau office.
  • Please consult with your dealer or Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau office for difficult-to-treat items such as propane gas cylinders, kerosene, gasoline, paints, chemicals, pesticides, tires, small rechargeable batteries, pianos and fireproof safes.
  • fire extinguisher is fire extinguisher Recycling Promotion Center Co., Ltd. (Tel: 03-5829-6773-Fri: 9:00-12:00 13:00 - 17:00 (excluding holidays) only available in Japanese) (external site)Please consult with us.


local recyclables collection

recycle paper and used cloth, which are sent from households in the city to collection sites, are all collected by local recyclables collection, which are voluntary collections of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations (organizations made by nearby residents).

collection box for recyclables

A box that collects newspapers, magazines, other papers, paper packs, and cloths, and is available at some ward offices, district centers, sports centers, etc.

Center recycling

They can bring resources such as recycle paper, used cloth, cans, bottles and plastic bottles, plastic containers and packaging, and small metals to the Resources and Waste Recycling BureauMidori WardSakae Ward office.

Recycling of small household appliances

Small home appliance collection box

We collect and recycle small household appliances in collection boxes installed at city halls, ward offices, some ward facilities, some supermarkets, home centers, and Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau offices.
Products that fit into a 30cm x 15cm slot and run on electricity or batteries with a length of less than 30cm are eligible. Remove the batteries and put them in the bag without putting them in.
fluorescent lamp Light bulbs are not eligible.

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Office

For inquiries about disposal procedures, collection and collection locations, please contact your Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau office in your district.
If you do not understand Japanese, please contact someone who can speak Japanese.

  • Hours Monday through Saturday from 8:00 to 16:45
List of Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Offices (*Japanese only)
WardOffice namePhone numberLocation
Tsurumi Ward

Tsurumi Office


〒230-0046 39, Onocho, Tsurumi-ku
Kanagawa Ward

Kanagawa Office


〒221-0036 3-1-43, Chiwakacho, Kanagawa-ku
Nishi Ward

West Office


〒220-0055 11-4, Hamamatsucho, Nishi-ku
Naka Ward

Central Office


〒231-0812 11-2, Nishikicho, Naka-ku
Minami Ward

South Office


〒232-0041 1-1-2, Mutsumicho, Minami-ku
Konan Ward

Konan Office


〒234-0055 3-1-2, Hinominami, Kounan-ku
Hodogaya Ward

Hodogaya Office


〒240-0025 355, Karibacho, Hodogaya-ku
Asahi Ward

Asahi Office


〒241-0005 2-8-1, Shirane, Asahi-ku
Isogo Ward

Isogo Office


〒235-0017 6, Shinisogocho, Isogo-ku
Kanazawa Ward

Kanazawa Office


〒236-0003 2-2-6, Sachiura, Kanazawa-ku
Kohoku Ward

Kohoku Office


〒222-0032 1238, Mamedocho, Kouhoku-ku
Midori Ward

Green Office


〒226-0018 5-1-15, Nagatsutaminamidai, Midori-ku
Aoba Ward

Aoba Office


〒225-0024 2039-1, Ichigaocho, Aoba-ku
Tsuzuki Ward  

Tsuzuki Office


〒224-0064 27-2, Hiradai, Tsuzuki-ku
Totsuka Ward

Tozuka Office


〒244-0805 415-8, Kawakamicho, Totsuka-ku
Sakae Ward

Sakae Office


〒247-0013 1570-1, Kamigocho, Sakae-ku
Izumi Ward

Izumi Office


〒245-0016 5874-14, Izumicho, Izumi-ku
Seya Ward

Seya Office


〒246-0021 548-2, Futatsubashicho, Seya-ku
Contact information
Contents Contact information
Thing about garbage which we do not collect in city and recycling

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Home Affairs Division
Telephone: 045-671-3819
Fax: 045-662-1225
Email address:

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Page ID: 239-864-245