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Public information of city

Last update date April 1, 2024

Public information Yokohama

In Yokohama-shi, we issue "public information Yokohama" on the 1st of every month and tell citizens municipal administration information.

Catalog Pocket (Catalog pocket)

"Catalog Pocket (Catalog Pocket)" is a service that allows you to read public relations papers from PCs and smartphones. "Public information Yokohama" can be read in 10 languages (Japanese, English, Chinese <Simplified>, Chinese <Traditional>, Hangul, Thai, Portuguese, Spanish, Indonesian, Vietnamese). .

"Easy Japanese" version

The main articles of "Public Information Yokohama" can be read in "Easy Japanese".

Public relations radio program

“PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT” (public service announcement)

Broadcast on InterFM897 (89.7MHz or Yokohama relay station 76.5MHz) from Monday to Friday from 0:55 pm to 0:58 pm!
This is a public relations program for foreigners living in Yokohama. In the event of a disaster, we will inform you of disaster-related information.

Broadcast schedule (time zone from 0:55 pm to 0:58 pm)
Day of the week Language used
Monday (Monday) Chinese (Mandarin)
Tuesday (Tuesday) Korean and Korean (Korean)
Wednesday (Wed) English (English)
Thursday (Thursday) Spanish (Spanish)
Friday (Friday) Portuguese (Portuguese)

About back number

You can listen to past back issues on the homepage of interFM (Intaefumu). Specifically, please see homepage (outside site) (outside site) of interFM (intaefuemu).

About distribution by " (Radiko)"

You can listen to programs from your computer or smartphone with the radio Internet distribution service "". At Radio, you can enjoy the entire program up to one week after the broadcast ends. Specifically, please see Radico's homepage (outside site) (outside site).

Contact information  
Contents Contact information
Thing about public information Yokohama

Public Relations Division, Policy Management Bureau (※ Japanese language only)
Phone: 045-671-2332
Fax: 045-661-2351
Email address: 


Public Relations Division, Policy Management Bureau (※ Japanese language only)
Phone: 045-671-3742
Fax: 045-661-2351
Email address:

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