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Beware of special fraud (beware of special fraud)

Last updated date: 2024/3/1

Special trickle

Special tricky tricks, such as calling for special tricks, telephone calls, "unreasonable use of money", "removing away", and "financial loan of family members". The amount of money, the amount of money, the immediate police, the ward office and the amount of peddling such as the police, the ward office and the household.

Specific examples of fraud

Description of money
The name must be updated, after the withdrawal fee, and the withdrawal fee.
"Oh, I'm afraid,"
This is a crime-prevention currency. At the same time, the money for use, etc., and the collection of the house before the criminal offense.
Receiving money
The government's administrative officer, the claim demand protection, refunder, ATM usage, etc.
A fake trick
This is an unprecedented product kimono.

Preventive damage caused by caution

  • At the beginning of the regular message, re-entered telephone after the show. A non-accommodative name called a telephone.
  • A person who has not arrived suddenly, a claim, a claim, a claim, and a suspicion. A person other than the immediate settlement, or any other person other than the general money family.
  • Police and ward office auditors are not available. Of course, money, information communication, etc.
  • The amount of money peddling measures peddling volume, pre-specimensive method and darkness.
  • ATM line for horizontal medical treatment, protection-type retirement (retirement) ATM line.
Consulting Window
ContentsAffiliated system
It's a special trick.

Civic Affairs Bureau District Support Department District anti-crime program Support Project
Telephone: 045-671-3705
True: 045-664-0734
Electric mail box:

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Page ID: 220-351-237