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The Advanced Elderly Medical Service System (Medical System)

Last updated date: 2020/6/4

About the Advanced Elderly Medical Service System

All people aged 75 years and over sign up for this health insurance scheme. Those between the ages of 65 and 74 years can also receive approval for this scheme if they have certain disabilities.
The health-care system for people aged seventy-five and over is administered at the prefectural level by an organizations called the Kanagawa Prefecture Wide Area Union for the Late-stage Medical Care System for the Elderly.
Please show your health insurance card when going for a consultation at a medical institution. The amount you pay will be calculated according to your income or earnings.

When you need to submit notification

Please submit notification in the following cases at the National Health Insurance Section, Health Insurance and Pension Division of the ward office of the ward where you live.

  • If you move in to Yokohama City
  • If you move out of Yokohama City or leave the country
  • If your address or name changes
  • If someone in your family dies
  • If you start or stop receiving public assistance
  • If you lose your health insurance card

How the health insurance premium is calculated and ways to pay

Your annual health insurance premium amount is calculated by totaling up the fixed amount that all insured persons pay equally, and an income-based amount which insured persons pay according to their income in the previous year. The health insurance premium is divided into monthly payments from the month you joined the scheme until the previous month from the day you leave the scheme.
You can pay by having the amount deducted from your pension, direct debit from your bank account or using a payment slip.

If you are having trouble paying the health insurance premium

Please consult with the National Health Insurance Section, Health Insurance and Pension Division of the ward office of the ward where you live.

If you do not pay the health insurance premium

In accordance with the law, you will receive a reminder in the post, and may face action including the seizure of assets.

When you receive medical care benefits

If you have high medical costs or copayments for both high medical care and long-term care costs, you can receive medical care benefits for the portion which exceeds the maximum amount. Please apply at the National Health Insurance Section, Health Insurance and Pension Division of the ward office of the ward where you live.

If you are exempt from paying municipal tax

You can receive a reduction on the amount you pay up to a maximum amount by showing a Certificate of Maximum Amount Applicability/Reduction in Standard Burden Amount when you visit a medical institution. To be issued with this certificate, you need to apply at the National Health Insurance Section, Health Insurance and Pension Division of the ward office of the ward where you live.

Where to inquire
Content Contact details
About the Advanced Elderly Medical Service System Medical Assistance Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau (*Inquiries in Japanese only)
Tel: 045-671-2409
Fax: 045-664-0403

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