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Last updated date: 2021/7/2

Tsurumi Ward Office

Jusho: 〒230-0051

Tsurumi Chuo 3-20-1 Tsurumi Chuo, Tsurumi-ku

9 feces from JR Tsurumieki

There are seven feces from the sea.

Denwa: 045-510-1818 (Daihyo)

045-664-2525 (Eigo, Spain, Chugokugo)

Yeah, Jikan: Kneyobi 8:45-17:00

2/4 Doyobi 9:00-12:00 (2 and 3 pieces)

Work of Kuyakusho (for each floor) (PDF: 654KB)

The name of the section and the person in charge

Tsurumi Station West Exit Government Service Corner

You can get "copy of resident certificate" and "Seal Registration Certificate".

Click here for what you can do at the government service corner.

Jusho: 2-20 Toyooka-cho, Tsurumi-ku 2-20

In front of JR Tsurumisaki Nishiguchi Fuga 1 (SEIYU)

Denwa: 045-586-0975

Yeah, Jikan: 30–19:00,

Doyobi 9:00-17:00

Shujitsu, kyujitsu, Nenmatsune

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Page ID: 771-214-639