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What is local recyclables collection?

Last Updated January 18, 2019

What is local recyclables collection?

local recyclables collection, Io

Collection of recyclables (paper, cloth, metals, bottles) conducted by local organizations (registered organizations) such as Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations and registered companies.
Collection is carried out based on the contract between the registered organization and the registered trader.
Depending on the amount collected, a scholarship will be issued by Yokohama City.
Details of the implementation, such as the collection date and collection location, will be negotiated by the registered organization and the registered trader. (It is not a commissioned collection by Yokohama City.)

What is local recyclables collection?

"What is local recyclables collection?" "What are you collecting?" "Where do you collect it?" "What is the difference from the collection of Yokohama City?"
I will answer your questions about local recyclables collection.

>>>What is local recyclables collection?

System structure

local recyclables collection is a collaborative project in which citizens, businesses and governments play their respective roles to reduce and recycle waste.
This section describes the roles of each and the structure of the incentive grant system.

>>>System structure

History of the System

The grant for local recyclables collection began in 1983.
We will explain the details of the grant and the changes in the amount collected.

>>>History of the System

For inquiries to this page

Resources and Waste Recycling Bureau Waste Management Department Business Division

Phone: 045-671-3819

Phone: 045-671-3819

Fax: 045-662-1225

Email address:

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Page ID: 446-611-770


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