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Location and terrain of Konan Ward

Last Updated February 28, 2019

Location and terrain of Konan Ward

Position and terrain

Konan Ward was born on October 1, 1969, by reorganizing administrative districts from Minami Ward.
Located in the southern part of Yokohama, it covers an area of 19.86 square kilometers (approximately 4.6 percent of Yokohama), 5.1 kilometers east-west and 6.6 kilometers north-south, adjacent to Isogo Ward east, Totsuka Ward to the west, Sakae Ward to the south and Minami Ward to the north.
The topography of Konan Ward is composed of small valleys and plateaus upstream of Hirato Nagatanigawa, a tributary of the Kashio River. And there is a road on the border (Kunizakai) that separates the former Musashi country and Sagami countries so that it runs through the ward from north to south. This road has played an important role since ancient times as a road leading to Kamakura. In addition, the road on this border is also a watershed, with the Hinokawa and Ooka rivers on the east side flows into Tokyo Bay, and the Hirato Nagatanikawa on the west side flows into Sagami Bay.
Until the Edo period, Yokohama itself was only a cold village, and the current Konan Ward area was a peaceful rural area surrounded by lush hills. With the opening of Yokohama Port, development gradually progressed as the hinterland of Yokohama Port, and industry began to rise. In particular, the printing industry is known as the local industry of Konan Ward. In addition, cultivation of vegetables and flowers to be supplied to urban areas was also actively conducted. After that, large-scale residential land development progressed as a bedroom town, and it has undergone a major transformation from a rural city to a residential city.
There are three railways in the ward: Keihinkyuko Line, JR Negishi Line, and Municipal Subway. Especially in the Kamiooka and Konandai districts, commercial facilities are concentrated and lively as terminals, providing convenience and livability. It is a ward.
Konan Ward symbol mark

Map showing the location and situation of Konan Ward in Yokohama

For inquiries to this page

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